Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Ephesians 3:20
Grace Over Grind
5 Days
In the world of entrepreneurship, hustling and grinding will earn you a badge of honor. In the Kingdom of God, it is an inferior substitute for working by the supernatural power of God's grace. In this 5 day plan, you will read scripture and better understand how to receive God's best and have a greater Kingdom impact as a business owner.
There Is More
5 Days
Hillsong Church founder Brian Houston’s “there is more” message is not about selfishness or greed. It’s not even about satisfaction and self-fulfillment. It’s about calling—God’s amazing plans for your life and the sufficiency of His grace in superseding your wildest dreams, all for a purpose bigger than you are!
Restoring Life: Part 2
5 Days
Over 200 million people will face surgery this year alone. An overwhelming and sometimes scary experience, thankfully we can turn to the Bible for encouragement and peace. As you aim to correct your physical ailment, a worldly temporary restoration, allow this plan to fuel your spiritual, eternal restoration. This dual purpose will be unpacked over the next 5 days as you walk through the healing steps of post-operative surgery.
Bless Me Indeed: Five Days Of Personal Prayer
5 Days
Join Bruce Wilkinson on this five-day journey of personal prayers. Following the format of the Prayer of Jabez, these daily reminders will enable you to grow in your walk and the expansion of your influence for the kingdom.
Be Utterly Amazed
5 Days
As a reporter for my college newspaper, I tried out for the #1 football team in the country for a story. When I found my name on the roster, I was shocked, thinking it was a mistake. I realize now it was part of God’s plan. God has a purpose for you too. I pray this reminds you that as we walk in faith, God is always a step ahead.
Overwhelmed by My Blessings (Part 12)
5 Days
Encouragement from a mom who launched her 7 children and lived to tell about it. This is the final part in series of devotional plans by Robin Meadows.
Greater Things: 5 Days to Knowing You Are Not Alone By Mack And Meredith Brock
5 Days
Life can be flat out hard sometimes. Pressure rises, anxiety rushes in, and before you know it, you feel completely alone in the battle you're facing. But the truth is, you aren’t alone. You’ve never been alone. In this 5-day devotional by Mack and Meredith Brock you will discover that even though you might feel alone sometimes, you have never been left alone.
5 Prayers Of Gratitude
5 Days
Prayer changes things. When I pray consistently to God something changes within me. And it can change you too. This 5-day devotional plan can help you form a habit of coming to God in prayer every day. I have taken scripture and reworded them into prayers of gratitude. I pray these prayers help you overcome negativity through applying the power of prayer and God's Word to your life.
Your Story For God's Glory
5 Days
We all have a story to share. YOUR story could help change another person’s life. YOUR unique story could encourage others in powerful ways. Whether it’s in a book or a blog post, YOUR story truly matters. Someone is yearning to hear it. Are you willing to share it? In this 5-day plan, you’ll read scripture and be encouraged in practical ways to share YOUR story for God’s glory!