Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Genesis 3:8
In Security – Ems Hancock
10 Days
'Insecurity is based on doubt. It asks deep questions like “Do I matter? Am I important? Am I loved?” It also asks shallower questions like, “Does this suit me? Can I get away with this haircut?” Whoever you are and whatever you do, you will have times when you feel insecure. This plan offers simple practical ways to apply biblical truth when insecurity strikes.
Searching For Significance
10 Days
We’re all searching for something in life. Whether you want to call it significance, purpose or something else, there is an innate desire in each of us for our life to matter. In this 10-day devotional, explore that desire from a biblical perspective. Read God’s perfect plan for your life each day, and how he ultimately wants you to find purpose and significance through bringing him glory.
52 Men Of The Bible - The Studies
10 Days
This group/personal study material focuses on some of the men in the Bible. From Adam to Joshua, via the likes of Joseph and Moses, and lesser-known characters like Bezalel. Explore how these men’s lives can affect your walk with Jesus. Who were they? How can we learn from them? Currently featuring 10 lives, the reading plan will build to examine the lives of 52 Men of the Bible.
She Is Strong And Courageous
10 Days
It’s time to discover your God-given strength and kick your fears to the curb. Ann White’s devotional, She Is Strong and Courageous, will lead you on a 10-day transformational journey encountering courageous women of the Bible, throughout history, and in our world today. Start with a Scripture, devotional reading, call to action, and prayer that will help you know God personally, understand His Word clearly, and apply His truth powerfully.
Listening To God
10 Days
Does God still speak to us today? And if so, how can we distinguish His voice from the deceptions and distortions of the enemy? Join Dr. Charles Stanley as he helps you identify the voice of God, listening actively for His guidance and separating truth from false messages intended to deceive. Discover your key role in the practice of prayer and listening to the voice of God.
Father Abraham
10 Days
This reading plan explores the account of Abraham's life in Genesis from a distinctly Christian perspective in order to answer questions such as: What did these stories mean for those who first received them? And what do they mean for us today?
Illuminate Advent
10 Days
Celebrate the beauty of the Christmas season by bringing illumination to the real purpose, Christ. This devotion is an easy walk through the advent season and focuses on the elements of hope, joy, peace, love, and Christ.
What Does The Bible Say About Grief And Sorrow?
10 Days
There is a lot of grief and sorrow in the world. This is all a result of human sin, and we are facing the consequences every day. The Bible does not play that down. But it also shows us how it is possible to rejoice in the midst of sorrow, and how God will ultimately create a new earth where grief and sorrow will be no more.
Work and Rest
10 Days
The Bible is clear: both work and rest are gifts from God. But in a time when many of us feel overwhelmed and tired, work feels like anything but a gift, and rest can feel almost impossible! In this 10 day series, you will be encouraged in both your work and your rest, to find meaning and purpose in all parts of your life.
10 Days
Psalms 18:20-24 says, “GOD made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before him.” Wholeness is a 14-day journey of intentionally learning how to bring all the parts of ourselves before Him - spirit, soul, and body. It is about intentionally building our identity in Christ and not creation.