Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Habakkuk 3:2

Rejoice in the Lord: A Study in Habakkuk
3 Days
As destruction unfolds around him, Habakkuk questions God and His plans. God’s response to Habakkuk reminds us that He alone orders the unfolding of history. Those who are righteous will have faith in His plans (Habakkuk 2:3). Despite the darkness of the season, we too can “rejoice in the Lord” and “take joy in the God of our salvation” (Habakkuk 3:18).

Habakkuk: God Is Just | Video Devotional
4 Days
This 4-day plan will walk you through the book of Habakkuk by reading a short passage every day. Each day is accompanied by a short video that explains what you're reading and how it's all about Jesus. In this plan, you'll learn how God’s answer to the problem of evil begins to be answered in the death of Jesus.

My Fame His Fame
5 Days
Inspired by the life and faith of the Old Testament prophet, Habakkuk, Thann Bennett's study poses the question - what would happen if we lived for God's fame instead of our own? What if there is a radically different—and far better—approach to achieving success in life? You will walk away encouraged and equipped to live for the purpose of His fame.

Revive Us Again
5 Days
The word “revival” is from the Hebrew word chayah and means “to bring back to life,” to “restore to consciousness,” or to “restore to a previous condition.” Retreat from your daily grind and meditate on God's Word as we cry out to the Lord to "Revive Us Again."

Flourish in Your Present
6 Days
You’ve got crazy circumstances? Maybe a few difficult people hanging around? More bills than cash flowing in each month? Are you facing an unprecedented crisis? How does one move beyond waiting it out on the couch in their yoga pants until the difficulty passes? Take your cues from the prophet, Habakkuk, who demonstrates, not only how to survive the present mix of trouble, suffering, and responsibility, but how to flourish.

Praying for God to Fill up My Emptiness
7 Days
The Bible begins with, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty.” But clearly, that was not a problem for God. He merely spoke and the emptiness was filled with life, beauty, and purpose. This gives us hope that God will do his best work in the emptiness of our own lives. Let’s pray and ask him to fill up our emptiness.

Vision for Dark Days
7 Days
With the current state of the world it is easy to lose hope. The power of God's voice is a light that gives us vision for dark days. How do you hold onto that light of vision? How do you keep faith in times of hardship? Habakkuk gives us some insight into holding tight and moving forward. God is speaking. God is responding.

Unfair?! An Introduction to Habakkuk
7 Days
It's not just small children that moan 'not fair'! Even as adults we struggle with injustice (or if we're honest, just not getting our own ways!). Habakkuk was no exception, and God graciously answered him. Let's dive in to his book to grasp the depths of God's reply to the question of injustice.

Why Doesn't God Do Something?
8 Days
Why doesn't God do something about suffering and trouble? This ancient question is still being asked today. Doesn't God care? Jesus suffered for us and was well acquainted with grief. Christianity was born in suffering and the Bible has much to say about it. This Bible Plan features lively coversations between Lyn and Sam who raise provocative questions and offer intriguing responses.

Habakkuk: A 7-Day Devotional on Ruthless Trust
8 Days
Life is filled with hardship and heartache, but will we stand firmly on the God of our faith? In this 7-day devotional, discover how to build a foundation on ruthless trust. Plus, enjoy a bonus day of reading with the devotion: "How to Live with Joy."