Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Hebrews 11:24
Real Hope: Discovering Hope in the Life of Moses
7 Days
A series by Heidi Wysman. “Moses’ life is an example of leadership, servanthood and humility. His story gives us hope that God can use us even after we’ve failed. But most importantly, Moses’ life is a wonderful example of a journey of faith.” (Moses’ Journey Into Leadership – Heidi Wysman). May this plan encourage you that God knows all, sees all, and is with you through it all.
Love and Joy That Endures
7 Days
Do you have joy? In your walk with the Lord, what is keeping you going? In Romans, Paul shows us -that no matter what you have been through or are walking through now, you can have joy rooted in the love Christ has for us, the love He showed us first.
Week of Prayer For Christian Unity 2018
8 Days
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is a yearly reminder of Jesus’ prayer for his disciples that “they may be one so that the world may believe” (see John 17.21). The theme for the week of prayer in 2018, "Your right hand, O Lord, glorious in power" is inspired by Exodus 15:6.
7 Keys To Constant Miracles
8 Days
Your life can be a rolling snowball of constant miracles—one breakthrough, one miracle, one dream fulfilled after another. Here are the seven Biblical keys YOU can use to get your breakthroughs and miracles started!
Moses, a Man of God's Power
8 Days
Moses is credited with writing the first five books of the Bible, and manifesting some of the greatest miracles ever recorded during his lifetime. This devotional is the first in a series that explores the characteristics of powerful, biblical men that God used to not only write down His words but also to exhibit His very power on the earth. This plan was written by April Knoke.
The 7 Resolutions
8 Days
Have you grown accustomed to bad habits or written off lifelong battles as unwinnable? If self-help isn't getting you anywhere, it's time for God's power! This eight-day plan will guide you to make 7 resolutions so you never settle for too little. The time is now for humble dependence on God and a plan to walk in His power. It's time to come alive!
Stormproof Men II
9 Days
Storms -- sexual temptations -- are inevitable. These storms can destroy our sexual purity. Being sexually pure goes beyond ''not doing" certain activities. One experiences purity to the degree that he makes godly choices. Since Scripture is true, since God is faithful, and since God promised He would not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can endure, we have real hope for success and real help from Him. The purpose of this second plan is to continue to help discover such hope and help – and to understand and experience sexual purity.
Faith – in Other Words
9 Days
The writer of Hebrews 11 states from the get-go, that faith is an assurance, a conviction, in and of something not seen, but hoped for. Hope in this instance is rock solid, based upon the character, and articulations of God; his person and his word, in other words.
True Prosperity vs. The Riches of This World
9 Days
The riches of this world appear to be everything we’ve ever wanted or hoped for. Sometimes, they seem to certify status or worth or even godliness. But what if they’re just dust that deceives us? Read and listen to these Bible stories about men who were rich and poor, and discover how God offers us true prosperity.
Good Or God? With John Bevere
10 Days
If it’s good, it must be God. Right? These days we tend to believe whatever seems good must be in line with God’s will. But is that all there is to it? If good is so obvious, why does the Bible say we need discernment to recognize it? In this plan, best-selling author John Bevere offers a new perspective on what it means to live the good life.