Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Isaiah 53:2
The Ageless One in Time's Embrace
7 Days
The Christmas story is not just about a baby in a manger and some shepherds visiting Him. This story actually starts before the creation of the world, with the Word of God being with God and being God Himself. It is about God the Son becoming man while remaining God. This plan helps you understand the real, deep meaning of Christmas.
Help My Unbelief: How to Overcome Doubt and Increase Faith
7 Days
This devotional inspires us to Reconsider, Refocus, and Remember - three practices and tools God gives us to help us face challenging circumstances while growing and remaining firm in our faith, instead of allowing them to distance us from our Savior.
Daily Nuggets of Grace Part 1 Free!
7 Days
There is a war for the love of God. This all-out war makes perfect sense since loving God is the first and most important commandment. This vital ingredient, love, is how the world will know we are Christians. The Daily Nuggets of Grace is a tool to help Christians remove barriers like guilt, shame, fear, and pride while learning to abide to recover their first love for Christ.
Overcoming Fear
7 Days
Do you struggle with fear? We all do! God wants us to live in freedom from fear! Are you ready to live a life free from fear today?
Worship Initiative | Songs of Christmas
7 Days
Come sing with us through the Christmas season as we take a look at 7 well-known Christmas songs and examine their meaning for deeper, more meaningful worship.
A Descended God
7 Days
Emily Elliot wrote the Christmas hymn “Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne” in 1864 for the children and choir in her father’s church in Brighton, England. Over this week, we will look at this Christmas song verse by verse and its heartfelt and simple description of Jesus's arrival and what it means for our lives! Written by Tim Bergmann.
Of First Importance: A Holy Week Devotional
8 Days
Every year, the whole world gathers for a week-long commemoration of the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ—a truth that is of first importance. Together, let’s reflect on how God’s desire for us to be in an intimate relationship with Him was ultimately fulfilled through the finished work of His Son, Jesus.
The Final Week of Jesus' Life: An 8-Day Holy Week Devotional Series
8 Days
The devotionals in this eight-day series focus the reader’s attention on the final week of Jesus’ life and the circumstances surrounding his death, burial, and resurrection. When Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, he entered a city filled with political strife, fear and uneasiness. Following Jesus’ actions and interactions each day gives readers a clearer understanding of the context of the events that serve as the foundation for Christian faith.
Long Expected Jesus
8 Days
The hope of Jesus was prophesied and earnestly expected for generations. One day, that promise of hope was fulfilled right in Israel’s midst. Everything changed for the entire world at that moment when that dream became a reality. Join us this Christmas as we look at both the promises and their fulfillment through the scriptures surrounding Jesus’ birth!
Dwell | Holy Week and Easter
8 Days
In Holy Week, we encounter a God who moves ever closer to us, even in our brokenness and shame. Yet what lies before us is a question: will we return to the Lord? This year, through repentance and renewal, let us be ready to greet the Lord at his Resurrection. This plan is an excerpt from Dwell's Lenten devotional, "Return," available in its entirety within the Dwell Bible App.