Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Isaiah 55:8
Goal Getters
7 Days
Too many times, we set goals without realizing them. In this plan, Pastor Nicole Crank will give you practical steps, tips, and tricks to help you GET your goals like never before. Are you ready to take hold of the abundant life God has for you? Let’s get started.
What's So Amazing About Scripture?
7 Days
What difference does daily Bible reading really make? Over 7 days, kick-start or reboot your confidence in and hunger for God’s Word by discovering what it says about itself and its power to transform your life and world. With your passion and expectancy ignited, this short journey will empower and transform every other journey you take through Scripture.
Ask, Receive and Give Thanks
7 Days
Prayer is a power that transforms everything. Discover how to enter into a new dimension of faith and intimacy with God.
How to Trade Anger for Patience
7 Days
Most people think patience is passive. However, in my experience, patience is a choice that’s very active. It's something you can work on! In this reading plan, writer Paul Marc Goulet shares about this topic and how you can take your time.
Calling Out Your Name: Scriptures and Prayers for New and Expecting Parents
7 Days
Parenting doesn't come with a handbook, but the Bible is our road map to every new adventure in our lives! Join this journey filled with inspiring prayers and scriptures to cover the heart of your new born blessing or child of any age!
I Hear His Whisper: Encounter God’s Heart for You
7 Days
God whispers to those who seek him. He whispers to us his messages of love and truth. Each of these 7 days contain a message of love spoken to the heart of Brian Simmons and Gretchen Rodriguez, authors of I Hear His Whisper: Encounter God’s Heart for You. While God has spoken these words personally, we trust these whispers will spark a desire in you to hear God’s gentle voice.
Invincible by Robert Jeffress
7 Days
What mountain are you facing today? Maybe anxiety looms in front of you or doubt is casting a dark shadow. But mountains are merely molehills to the Mountain Mover. As we’ll explore in this week’s devotional, you do not need to fear any mountain in life. The Word of God offers encouragement and practical tools to conquer even the most insurmountable challenge. With God on your side, you are invincible!
With All My Heart
7 Days
Having peace through trouble begins with trusting in God and His goodness through the most difficult of circumstances. It comes with resting in Him even when the future is uncertain. This type of trust isn’t born overnight. It is cultivated over time as we build a relationship with God and get to know Him. It’s through His word that we can truly learn to trust Him “with all my heart.”
Wisdom for Peacemaking
7 Days
Wherever there are people, there will be problems. Thankfully, God promises enduring peace even in the midst of conflict. With excerpts from “Daily Wisdom for Peacemaking” by Pastor Brian Noble, these seven days will teach you how to uphold a kingdom-minded perspective and enjoy peace-filled relationships. God is love, and when we reflect his love in our relationships, we draw ourselves and others closer to Christ.