Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Isaiah 58:10
What Is Fasting?
7 Days
WHAT IS FASTING? Fasting is giving up something for a specified number of days for a specific purpose. The type and length of the fast you choose is between you and God and should not be determined by what anyone else is doing. Fasting, prayer, and reading God's Word go hand in hand. When you fast, also pray for God's purpose and plan for your life to be revealed.
Live Justly
7 days
Justice is part of the character and nature of God, and to live justly we must encounter God in a personal and powerful way. Live Justly is an in-depth scriptural and practical study to help people live justly in 6 key areas of life: advocacy, prayer, consumption, generosity, creation care, and relationships.
Unveiling God's Shine
7 Days
“May God make his face shine on you” is not sentimental cliché. It’s a powerful statement of the intimate relationship God wants people to experience in his presence. The blessing authored by God himself was audacious in the historical context in which it was given and it encapsulates a shocking (and wonderful) future hope of relating to God face-to-face. It calls us to reflect his shine into the world.
Creatures of Habit: Fasting
7 Days
We are creatures of habit, and our habits are powerful forces. Habits like fasting, confessing, praying, and studying the Word of God are not just items on a checklist. These habits have the power to change us. In this seven-day reading plan come explore the habit of fasting and celebrate the hope that it can bring to our lives!
Accessing The Riches Of Heaven
7 Days
Most of us know that heaven will be glorious—we will be in the presence of Jesus with peace and great abundance. But did you know that we don’t have to wait to experience God’s riches? Bestselling author Patricia King dives into Scripture to show that God cares for the needs of His children. He has an abundant supply—and wants to share it with you here and now!
God's Heart for Justice
7 Days
Our God is a God of justice! From the beginning to the end of the biblical story, God desires that all people will know him, and that humans would serve, not oppress; share, rather than hoard; and empower, rather than demean. This 7-day study takes you on a brief journey through both the Old and New Testament, and shares important examples from Christian history.
Aligning the Story of Your Heart
7 Days
This plan takes believers through the truths and principles of Unhindered: Aligning the Story of Your Heart, explaining how sin has drawn us away from God’s perfect story for our lives, how Jesus has made a way to redeem those stories, and how we can partner with Him in discovering abetter, more abundant life—starting with our hearts!
Love Never Stops
7 Days
Just as Jesus touched the leper and befriended the sinner, we too are made to love others—even in the face of challenge and risk. Right now, there are thousands of children and families in desperate need of the love you and your community can provide. Discover how you can live out your purpose to love those who are most vulnerable in society in this seven-day plan.
You Welcomed Me: Seven Days to Better Welcoming Refugees and Immigrants
7 Days
Jesus once told a parable illustrating that when we welcome others, we are actually welcoming God (see Matthew 25). In this plan, we explore how our faith leads us to welcome our refugee and immigrant neighbors. Each day ends with a practice to help you on your journey of welcoming.
Neighbor Groups: Seek Justice
7 Days
Justice is built into everything that exists. That’s why we have a sense of when it’s missing. Justice is not just a piece of God’s character—it’s a picture of it. When we seek justice, we pursue God’s best for everyone, so in this 7-day Plan, we’ll discover the origins of justice, the problem of injustice, our call to act, and God’s good plans to restore all things.