Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Isaiah 61:4
Who Is Really Blessed? A 9-Day Devotional from Skye Jethani
9 Days
When Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount, He began by showing what it means to be blessed in the kingdom of God. In this 9-day devotional from Skye Jethani, he looks with fresh eyes and illustrations to understand what it would mean if we took Jesus' words seriously. This plan is based on Skye's new book "What if Jesus Was Serious?"
Church Volume Two: A 9-Day Devotional by Jesus Culture
9 Days
Jesus Culture Music presents a 9-day devotional plan based on its new album, Church Volume Two. Join Kim Walker-Smith, Bryan Torwalt, Chris McClarney, Chris Quilala, Derek Johnson, Mack Brock and Jake Ithurburn as they share the meanings and verses behind songs on the record.
Insufficient Answers - Not All Questions Have Answers
9 Days
As we go through life, we will face situations that cause us to ask difficult questions. These questions will come from pain, failure, humiliation, and powerlessness. There are no answers to all our questions, but it is still possible to live meaningful lives with what God has revealed to us from His Word.
ReBuild: 10 Ways Worship And Leadership Can Restore Broken Lives
10 Days
In times of loss, chaos, and brokenness, God is looking for leaders and worshippers who can look beyond a situation and work alongside Him as he restores hearts, families, and nations. ReBuild is a 10-day look at the call God has placed on your life as a leader and how you can engage with Him to bring restoration to destruction, healing to sickness, and joy for mourning.
Thrive & Flourish
10 Days
Every day we have choices about how we will engage with life. We make choices about the way we see, think, feel and act towards ourselves, one another, and God. Over the coming days, we invite you to prayerfully reflect as you read, so that your choices will enable a greater transformation in your life and the lives of others.
Love Letters
10 Days
Whether you seek to build up your faith or you desire to be encouraged, this is for you. Life can throw challenges your way that leave you questioning your purpose, and wondering how to get back on track. I have personally experienced the healing and restoring power of God through His love letters. I pray that as you go through these love letters, you receive strength for the journey ahead.
Choosing Gratitude
10 Days
So many of us are living frustrated, anxious, and overwhelmed. But we don't have to stay this way. New habits can be formed. Fresh hope can be found. Joy is truly right around the corner. But how do we get there? The spiritual practice of gratitude is often the missing key to unlock the hope, joy, and beauty around us.
Love Letters for Singles
10 Days
Do you need healing from a broken heart? Are you waiting for your Mr/Mrs Right? Or do you have some questions about singleness that need answering? I hope that, regardless of your status or your journey, this devotional puts you on the right path to wholeness. It contains lessons and scriptures on healing, discovery, and strength for the journey ahead. Enjoy this devotional alone or with a study group!
My Darkest Moment
11 Days
Hear 10 true stories of hope—five videos featuring modern-day redemption stories and five audio devotionals from the life of Jesus. You'll see so clearly that your story is not over. No matter what you’ve been through, God can use you to shine light into someone else's darkness.
It Will Be for Something
11 Days
This 10-day devotional is an invitation to feel, sit with, and fully acknowledge your suffering after miscarriage or infant loss. It is also an invitation to be seen, understood, and to find Biblically-anchored hope, even amid pain. Ultimately, this is about God. A reminder that He is gracious and meets us right where we are, no matter how lost we may feel.