Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Isaiah 61:7

Jesus the Gift of Grief: Overcoming the Holiday Blues
3 Days
We are excited about this time of year. Christmas!!! Joy to the world the Lord has come. This holiday should be one to remember. Although, many of us have gone through a season where we may have lost a loved one or even went through a divorce. We have great news for you, Jesus is still here for you and He has a gift worth looking forward to receiving.

Ready Set Go! How To Run This Race Called Life
4 Days
How many of us have said this year will be different? My prayer is that it really will be. God designed us with a specific purpose. And the life He's given us is meant to be lived pursuing that purpose. Not looking back or standing stagnant, but relentlessly going after Him with passion and expectation. My prayer is that this devotional aids you in that pursuit. Ok, Ready, Set GO!

Splendor Of The King
5 Days
When Jesus announced the start of his ministry, he used the words of Isaiah 61. His mission, he declared, was to bring good news to the poor; releasing the captive, binding up the brokenhearted, comforting those who mourn. But what does good news look like?

The Year Of The Lord's Favor
5 Days
God is calling us to answer the high calling to set the captives free. This was prophesied about Jesus in Isaiah, laid upon Paul on the Damascus road and confirmed in the Great Commission for us. He wants to use us to help rescue people from the darkness, to open eyes, to make disciples. When we do this, we will experience The Year of the Lord's Favor.

Freedom Fighters – Revived For A Reason
5 Days
The Gospel is a message of freedom. We know this first-hand because we have been made free and have experienced the joy of liberation. We were dead and now we are alive. We were lost and now we are found. If God’s mission is to liberate the world, that must also be our mission. Join us for a 5 day journey and learn how to be a freedom fighter.

Delivered From Shame
5 Days
Shame from past mistakes can be humiliating, and even debilitating. Jesus holds the key to unloading the burden of regrets. Explore with us in this Abide plan how God’s grace is greater than any shame that has held us captive.

The Church Has Left the Building
5 Days
Join Hillsong East Coast’s online experience and walk through this corresponding five day devotional. This plan is based on Dr. Dharius Daniels, recent message 'The Church Has Left the Building'. Dr. Daniels is the Lead Pastor of Change Church. In this walk through God’s Word, allow space for questions, reflection, and discussion. We pray this encourages you to represent Jesus’ heart for humanity in this time in history.

The Culture Of Heaven At Work
5 days
God’s missional plan for you most likely sits in your everyday life, which includes the many hours spent at work. By radically changing the way you think about work and partnering with God daily, you can experience greater job satisfaction as you bring Kingdom influence and cultural transformation to those around you. Let us explore how you might bring the culture of Heaven at work over the next 5 days.

My Story: Part Three
5 Days
What are some of the words that come to mind when you think of Jesus? Is "priest" at the top of that list? Even if it isn't, the truth remains that Jesus is the greatest priest! So what does that mean for us? Over the next few days, let God's word lead you into following the example set by Jesus.

Your Emotional Health Matters
5 Days
If you’re reading this, you’ve stumbled over fear, regret, or anxiety at some point. These emotional hazards can keep us stuck! We all struggle to make the right choices for our emotional well-being. This devotional will address four major obstacles to sound emotional health and point you towards navigating them with courage and faith! As you do so, get ready to experience the transformative work of Christ in your life!