Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to James 1:21
James. A 21-day reading plan by Doxa Deo.
21 Days
Join us as we journey through the book of James. James provides us with guidelines for living our lives as faith-filled followers of Christ. He emphasizes a faith that works Genuine faith should produce fruit of good works and mature faith means living what you say you believe. Discover how your faith can work.
The Principles of First Mention
21 Days
The first time an important word or phrase is mentioned in Scripture is significant. In this devotional written by members of Gateway Church's pastoral staff, we’ll unpack the special meaning behind 21 first mentions and how these foundational words and phrases lead to a richer understanding of the Bible.
Start Sharp: 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
21 Days
Over the next 21 days, we will start the year sharp by seeking God first. By dedicating the beginning of our year to a time of prayer and fasting, we will intentionally sharpen our Spirits by prioritizing God and spending time in His presence. We believe that as we commit to starting the year spiritually sharp, you will experience genuine transformation in Christ.
Our Biblical GPS
23 Days
Our earthly lives are a journey, and God’s guidance system enables us to avoid many detours along the way. We remain on the best road home when we allow God’s word to be our guidance system through the Holy Spirit.
Journal ~ James
25 Days
For James, Christians (that is, followers of his half-brother) should reflect the character of their God. And what we find in this letter is not works and more works as sometimes thought to be. On the contrary it is a letter infused by God’s character, with the intention of making God-shaped people living in the world.
What the New Testament Says About the Attributes of God
25 Days
Get to know God through Streetlights' 25-Day Bible Study — a New Testament journey through the Attributes of God.
What the New Testament Says About Who I Am
25 Days
Get to know who you are through Streetlights' 25-Day Bible Study — a New Testament journey through your identity in Christ.
Love God Greatly James
27 Days
James often is compact in length but overflows with powerful lessons on godly living. In this Love God Greatly study, take a look into God’s wisdom when it comes to suffering, the power of prayer, the importance of controlling the tongue, and the danger of wealth. James challenges us to not only talk the talk, but walk the walk; to live out our faith in a bold pursuit of holiness.
The Power of Same
28 Days
The world celebrates change. God celebrates consistency. Learning how to stay committed to the same Spirit, Actions, Mission, and Environment unlocks the Power of Same in our lives, and helps us establish the good habit of fulfilling Jesus’ greatest command: loving Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Every day. Again and again.