Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to James 1:24
21 Gifts of Advent
21 Days
The Gifts of Advent - The Christmas season is approaching and preparing for Christmas is sometimes filled with stress and chaos, but God never intended it to be that way. Come walk with author and mentor, Janelle Keith, as she uncovers the gifts of Advent and the true meaning Christmas has for each of us today.
Heart for the House
21 Days
Heart for the House is a 21-day devotional by Hillsong Latin America. This devotional is designed to encourage your faith in this special season we are living as the Church.
Forward: 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer
21 Days
God’s purposes do not change regardless of our circumstances. Instead, He empowers us to move forward in His plans, taking new ground in every area of our lives. This plan by Victory Family Centre Singapore will take you through 21 days of seeking God, launching you forward into His plans and purposes for you.
The Principles of First Mention
21 Days
The first time an important word or phrase is mentioned in Scripture is significant. In this devotional written by members of Gateway Church's pastoral staff, we’ll unpack the special meaning behind 21 first mentions and how these foundational words and phrases lead to a richer understanding of the Bible.
21 Days: Commissioned
21 Days
In this 21-day devotional, Commissioned, we’ll explore how God called Joshua to lead His people into the Promised Land—and how He’s calling each of us to step into our own mission. Just like Joshua, we are commissioned by God to advance His purposes, no matter where we are. Over these next 21 days, you’ll be challenged to walk in faith, courage, and obedience, knowing that God goes before you, equips you, and strengthens you for every battle ahead. Prepare to reflect on your calling and the impact God wants to make through your life.
The Christian Jewish Roots
23 Days
Jewish tradition speaks of 2000 years before Torah, 2000 years of Torah, and 2000 years of the Gentiles. Then the Messiah is to come and usher in a “sabbatical” seventh millennium. Today there is a great revival happening as Paul foretold. Gentiles are repenting of centuries-long anti-Semitism and again recovering Jewish roots. This short study titled ‘The Christian’s Jewish Roots’ is meant to create a vibrant love for Jewish people that is to be expressed openly by the church as God sovereignly pours into the hearts of every true spirit-led believer a revelation of His love for every Jew according to Zech.8: 23.
Our Biblical GPS
23 Days
Our earthly lives are a journey, and God’s guidance system enables us to avoid many detours along the way. We remain on the best road home when we allow God’s word to be our guidance system through the Holy Spirit.
Journal ~ James
25 Days
For James, Christians (that is, followers of his half-brother) should reflect the character of their God. And what we find in this letter is not works and more works as sometimes thought to be. On the contrary it is a letter infused by God’s character, with the intention of making God-shaped people living in the world.
The Healing Jesus: An Advent Devotional to Encourage Anybody and Everybody
25 Days
Amidst all the hustling to get stuff done during the Christmas season, we invite you to pause daily and meet 25 Bible Characters (some well-known, some not-so-well-known) that Jesus brought healing to. Just as He has brought healing into the lives of those in the Bible, He is ready to bring healing to you today.