Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to John 13:6
Christian Minimalism: Simple Steps for Abundant Living
7 Days
We all know our purpose in life is not wrapped up in accumulating possessions, wealth, power, and prestige--Jesus is very clear about that--but society tells us otherwise. Christian Minimalism attempts to cut through our assumptions and society's lies about what life should look like and invites readers into a life that Jesus calls us to live: one lived intentionally, free of physical, spiritual, and emotional clutter.
Refuel, Reframe, Recalibrate: A 7-Day Devotional for Business Executives
7 Days
As business executives, life goes fast and the responsibilities we carry often weigh heavy on our shoulders. This plan offers an opportunity to invite God into our day. By taking a moment to stop, refuel, reframe, and recalibrate with God, we can approach our work empowered and envisioned by heaven!
Journey Through Holy Week
7 Days
Holy Week: 7 days set apart for reflecting on Jesus’ death and resurrection. But what did Jesus spend the week before His death doing? In this 7-day Plan, journey through Holy Week and discover the significance in some of the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion.
Loving the Other: Jesus Revolution
7 Days
Is it hard for you to love people who are not like you? Or do you sometimes feel like you don't fit in? Jesus understands the challenge. Yet, He loved others no matter what they looked like, believed, or experienced. This powerful message continues to change lives. JESUS REVOLUTION is the story of the 70's generation embracing Jesus' kind of love. It can happen again today, starting with you.
Loving the Other: Jesus Revolution
7 Days
Is it hard for you to love people who are not like you? Or do you sometimes feel like you don't fit in? Jesus understands the challenge. Yet, He loved others no matter what they looked like, believed, or experienced. This powerful message continues to change lives. JESUS REVOLUTION is the story of the 70's generation embracing Jesus' kind of love. It can happen again today, starting with you.
7 Days of the Easter Story: A Family Experience Through the Feelings of Holy Week
7 Days
The happiness on Palm Sunday, the surprise at the Last Supper, the sadness at the cross, the joy at the tomb—the week of Jesus’ death and resurrection was filled with emotion. In this plan by Dr. Josh and Christi Straub, your family will journey through the key moments of Holy Week by encountering the emotions people felt during the week that changed the world.
A Word From Below Holy Week Devotional
7 Days
This devotional combines reflections from Rev. Sarah Wiles and the artwork of Wayne Forte ( to take the reader on a journey through Holy Week, beginning on Monday and ending on Resurrection Sunday. Join us as we journey through the book of John with Jesus to the cross and the empty tomb. Cover image: "Communion 2002" by Wayne Forte
Carry the Flame - Renew Your Heart & Revive the World
7 Days
These seven devotions are based on Jim Cymbala's Carry the Flame Bible study with clips of Jim's teaching from the video series. Find out how to renew your heart and revive the world.
7 Lies Threatening Your Servant Leadership
7 Days
You can recognize and overcome the lies holding you back from leading like Jesus. In this 7-day plan, you’ll find daily encouragement along with insights into the common lies that tempt you and cause you to fail at servant leadership. You won’t only learn to notice the lies in yourself and others, you’ll find out how to fight the lies through servant leadership.
Jesus’ Passion Week: Our Savior’s Last Days and Ultimate Sacrifice
7 Days
If you knew you only had one week left to live, what would you do? Jesus’ last week is called the Passion Week. The word Passion connotes suffering, deep emotion, and longing. Read or watch Joyce Koo Dalrymple explore Jesus’ final days leading up to the Crucifixion. Understand the deep longings of His heart and the mission He came to accomplish.