Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to John 15:11

Revive Us, Lord: A Journey Through John 13-16
21 Days
This devotional focuses on the last acts and words of Jesus to His disciples in John 13-16. While John covers many themes in these chapters, one unites them all - love. Through these 21 days, may we learn to love God and people better.

Meditations on the Meaning of Christmas
23 Days
Advent is the first season of the Christian church year, leading up to Christmas. It's an amazing celebration of anticipation for the birth of our Saviour! Advent celebrates four main themes: hope, love, joy and peace. Learn more about each of these topics and where they're found in the Christmas story in this four-week advent devotional series.

121 Advent
24 Days
The birth of Christ, His advent, marks God's ultimate plan for our redemption. In Christ, we see the fullest picture of God's hope, peace, joy and love. God's Word is the truth by which we know and walk with Him daily. It is our hope that this guide will encourage and facilitate personal time spent in the Word and provide a resource for families with children to do that together.

Hearing God Through the Year
24 Days
Dallas Willard urged us to learn and practice prayer as a two-way dialogue with God. These excerpts from his best-selling book Hearing God, assembled by Jan Johnson, are an invitation to meet God, to allow his voice to shape your choices, and to encourage your heart. As you begin this four-week reading plan, thank God that he promises to meet you wherever you are in your faith journey.

Spend Christmas Together
25 Days
It's so easy to get caught up in all the hall decking and merry making that we forget what Christmas is all about - a baby in a manger who changes everything! So before Christmas slips away and the new year dawns, we invite you to slow down and take some time to prepare your heart for the celebration “God with us.”

REboot: Starting Over
25 Days
An opportunity for you to rediscover your walk with Jesus. ReBoot your life and start over. This Bible Plan gives you an opportunity to experience Jesus and His ways afresh as you read the Gospel of John. As you rediscover Him, seek to share the experience with your friends.

Meet Him At The Manger By Stuart & Jill Briscoe
25 Days
It's easy to see Christmas as bright lights and glittering gifts. But seasonal joys don't sustain the soul like Scripture's message of Immanuel—God with us. In this 25-day Advent reading plan, the Briscoes encourage you to consider the true joy of Christmas. With heartwarming stories, inspirational verse, and biblical teaching, they cut through distractions to the real miracle of Christmas: God with us; Immanuel in the manger.

Practices Of Advent
25 Days
In a season that is often characterized by the hustle and bustle of holiday celebrations, shopping and decorations, it is our hope that the Practices of Advent reading plan will provide you a daily invitation to practice the Hope, Peace, Joy and Love reflected in the gift God has provided in Jesus Christ – meeting our own longing for, and need of, forgiveness, salvation and a new beginning.

Emmanuel: God With Us, an Advent Devotional
25 Days
More than a name, Emmanuel is a declaration of heaven meeting Earth: God with us in despair, struggle, and brokenness. At Christmas, God came to redeem people in need of a Savior and light the darkness with His love. As we remember and celebrate His coming, HOPE International—a global nonprofit accelerating the end of poverty—explores how Jesus’ followers can bring His holy, healing presence into a broken world.

The Songs Tell the Story: A 25-Day Advent Devotional
25 Days
In "The Songs Tell the Story," Janet Denison covers 25 carols in 25 days, leading you to marvel at the gift God gave us at Christmas. Each devotional tells an origin story and features an insightful spiritual reflection. You’ll sing these timeless carols with new life, knowing that the God who inspired their words still meets us in the miracle of Christmas.