Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Luke 10:31
Going Above and Beyond: Becoming a Generous Leader
5 Days
We see the theme of generosity mentioned all throughout the Bible, especially through the life and teachings of Jesus. But true generosity is about much more than just what we do with our money. Join us as we study how God defines generosity, are reminded of what it looks like to lead others with generosity, and challenge ourselves to live an open-handed life all throughout the year.
Life Is Messy, God Is Good
5 Days
Life is messy, unpredictable, painful, sloppy, emotional, slippery, and oftentimes unbearable, with hard places we could never have fathomed when we started this journey. But God is not surprised by our slipups and screwups. Each day we are given the opportunity to live with meaning and significance as we acknowledge our struggles and then surrender them to Jesus.
Tough Questions… Jesus’ Answers
5 Days
Throughout history, there’s never been a more masterful Storyteller than Jesus. He taught thousands from every walk of life during His earthly ministry, conveying life-changing truths through vivid word pictures or Parables. Whether you’re battling anxiety, struggling with a strained relationship, or simply want to know God’s Word deeply, I invite you to journey with me through five life lessons from Jesus where He answers some tough questions.
This Is HIS Year: A Biblical Guide to Grace and Goals
5 Days
We were made to bring God glory! As we seek to make “this year God’s year,” we can faithfully pursue Biblical goals while resting in His grace.
Everyday Prayers for Love
5 Days
We are often told the Bible is God’s love letter to us, yet we struggle to comprehend the height, width, and depth of the devotion that our eternal God has toward us. How would fully understanding God’s love change the way we behave toward others? How we feel about ourselves? This devotional will help you seek God’s heart to discover how to love God, others, and even yourself.
3 Steps to Being a KINGDOM BUILDER in Your Life Today - Part 1
5 Days
In this 3-part series, we uncover the three key guidewords to help you live your faith as a Kingdom Builder. From our first guideword, “NICER,” we uncover biblical principles behind each letter in the word “N-I-C-E-R” to set the foundation for helping to build God’s Kingdom through your life today. Living your faith as a Kingdom Builder has never been so clear and easy to apply – at work, home, or just around town.
How to be a Christian at Your Work – Part 1 of 2
6 Days
Living out your faith at work is challenging and difficult, especially in the secular workplace. We are often encouraged to leave our faith and beliefs at home. But that isn’t at all what we are called to do as Christ-followers, is it? In this study, we explore the teachings of the Bible and discover 5 insights to help you live your faith and honor God while still pleasing your boss.
Until Every Child Is Home - A 6-Day Devotional On Adoption And Foster Care
6 Days
In this 6-day devotional, you'll discover God's heart for orphan-care through the Scriptures and stories of men and women who have devoted themselves to the pure religion of caring for widows and orphans.
Heaven In The Now By Ace Collins
6 Days
For many heaven is only a future a destination. In reality, heaven is not so far away or so abstract. Many famous songs and hymns are inspired by people going through extreme trials. They believed that heaven was more than a destination, it was embracing the fact that the promise of heaven was something that could and should be embraced in the now.
Being Missional in Isolation
6 Days
In times of isolation, you may be tempted to think that there is nothing that you can do to make disciples, but the Apostle Paul, who wrote about half of the New Testament, did some of his best work from prison! The books of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon were all written from a place of isolation. Even from isolation you can make disciples.