Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Luke 10:34
Helping Without Hurting: The Bible and the Poor
10 Days
The Bible commands us to care for the poor and oppressed. Come and explore the depth of God’s concern for them, and how you might answer the call yourself. Each day includes a real-life story or anecdote, Scripture and meditation, challenge, and prayer.
How To Neighbor
10 Days
What if we don’t have to travel far to get close to people who are distant from God? What if Christians were the best neighbors? Would your street change? Would heaven be fuller? A long time ago, a religious leader asked Jesus how to get into heaven. Jesus answered with a question, then the story of the Good Neighbor. No surprise, 2000 years later Jesus’ story still explains how to neighbor. Join Pastor Craig Groeschel and Life.Church in a practical, story-filled guide to meeting your neighbors and loving them as yourself. But don’t just read it—live it!
10 Days
God never intended faith to be complicated. Uncomplicated is a study designed to help guide you through many of the big questions about faith. These questions are really important and they don't have to be as confusing as many of us have made them. There are already so many things in life that are overwhelming and complicated. Faith shouldn't be complicated, it should be simple.
Take A Mission Trip To Your Workplace
10 Days
Ever been on a short-term mission trip? Fly in, do something, fly out. Spiritual tourism, sort of. But God placed you at your work to be on mission for Him right there – not just to earn money! This study plan prepares and takes you, step-by-step, on a 5-day “starter” MISSION TRIP to your work. Join to find God’s greater purpose for you at work. Suitable for every work environment.
This Is How We Build A Nation
10 Days
We believe that we can build church in a way that helps build the nation. Join us as we focus on PRAYER, UNITY and GENEROSITY – believing for God to do something significant in your life, in your city and in the nation.
The Art of Neighbouring Part 2
10 Days
Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God with everything and to love our neighbor as our self. This love is put to the test when we must overcome prejudices and make sacrifices; however, God has empowered us for this. Join us on this journey of being instructed in love and going out into the mission field on our doorstep
An Athlete's Guide Through the Fruit of the Spirit
10 Days
Do the Fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5 apply to our involvement in sports? Can an athlete be loving, joyful, patient, and gentle while competing? Jump into this 10-lesson study to learn how you can apply each of these spiritual fruits to your life and your game.
Made to Shine
10 Days
Did you know that YOU were made to shine? The Bible says that God made you in His image (Genesis 1:27). You are a unique image-bearer of God and He has planned good things for you to do with your life (Ephesians 2:10). That’s right! You were made to shine (Matthew 5:16)! In this study, we will look at different character qualities that can be used to shine God’s light and share God’s love with the world.
The Secret Power of Kindness: 10 Keys to Changing the World
10 Days
The old axiom is true: people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. We find ourselves in a cultural moment where people simply want to feel seen, heard and loved. The good news? A little kindness goes a long way. It's time for this overlooked and underappreciated fruit of the Spirit to get its due. Ready or not, be kind.