Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Luke 15:5
Fresh Air
10 Days
Make the best new years decision. Stop, and open - Stop, and look up - Stop, and invite God's presence in. The adventure of this year awaits. Inhale, exhale - the best is about to come.
The Precious Gift of Forgiveness
10 Days
The Bible is clear about it: we humans are sinful and deserve punishment. But, the Bible also explains that God offers forgiveness if we confess and turn away from our sins. God also enables us to forgive ourselves and others, which is very freeing and helps us to restore relationships. This reading plan discusses some key Bible verses about receiving and giving forgiveness.
Judas' Apostasy in Light of God's Faithfulness
10 Days
Everyone immediately thinks “betrayer” when they hear the name Judas. The story is legendary but is actually true and historically accurate. What was he like, and what about the God whom he betrayed?
GOD MATH: A Family Devotional
10 Days
God Math is exciting because you never quite know what’s going to pop out on the other side of the equation. It’s creative and unexpected and unbelievably amazing, because that’s exactly what God is! Join author, and kid ministry veteran, Christie Thomas to explore 10 examples of God’s incredible math skills in this intriguing Bible reading plan for your whole family.
Road to the Cross: Meditations for Easter
11 Days
Have you ever had a moment when you made a choice that changed the course of your life? In Jesus' ministry, this moment came when "he set his face to go to Jerusalem" (Luke 9:51), and toward his death and resurrection. In this 11-day series, you are invited to travel with Jesus to Jerusalem and to the cross, and consider the crossroads in your own life.
How to Be a Modern Monk
11 Days
In our modern world, we’ve removed many ancient practices that build robust human beings. Is there a better way to live? A practice that could lead us to wholeness? When we think about monks, we may imagine shaved heads, robes behind cloistered walls, and individuals living their monk life, out of sync with our modern-day lives and practices. Jude Fouquier shows how their practices can affect our lives in this reading plan.
The Gift: Advent Bible Plan
12 Days
Advent is a time to celebrate and walk deeply with the Lord as we reflect on the significance of the greatest gift ever given, Jesus. Amidst the craziness of the world, take some time this season to center yourself back on the hope we have in Jesus with The Gift Advent Bible Plan.
The Six Foundation Teachings of Christianity
12 Days
There are six foundation teachings identified by the writer of Hebrews. Understanding these and building a strong foundation as a Christian is fundamental to growth and maturity in Jesus Christ. This Bible Plan will provide an insight that will assist Christians to seek and grow in Jesus Christ.