Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Luke 24:5

Who Is Jesus?
7 Days
This devotional was created by the Shofar Stellenbosch team to help the students and families to remain in the Word of God during the holiday season. This 7-day devotional, "Who is Jesus?" focuses on the very question of who Jesus is and help us get to know Him through Scripture even better.

Come, Let's Go! Discipleship In Evangelism
7 days
Three times in I Samuel, Jonathan said to his young armor bearer, "Come, Let's Go!" Three times in Revelation 22 Jesus said, "I'm coming soon!" It's been more than 2,000 years since Jesus made this promise. Jesus gave the church a simple job to do. It's called the Great Commission. So church, why hasn't Jesus COME back yet? We need discipleship in evangelism! COME, LET'S GO!

How The Shepherd Rescued The Sheep
7 Days
A shepherd takes care of a flock of sheep. The shepherd feeds, guides, and protects the flock from danger. But what if a sheep gets lost? This devotional tells us the Easter story which brings us hope. It is the greatest story in all of history.

Walking With Jesus: An Easter Devotional
7 Days
Prepare your heart for Easter by walking with Jesus in his final days and hours on the way to the cross. Behold the wonder of his love. Experience the power of his indestructible life.

Holy Week Devotional Plan from New Life Church
7 Days
As Savior, Jesus walked among our mess and pain. He is also King of all—holy, mighty, and just. For the next seven days, we will be reading through portions of the Gospels, reflecting on what we can learn about following Jesus as we study and honor His death and resurrection.

Experience Easter: Joining Jesus’ Journey
7 Days
This plan is designed to put us into Jesus’ journey to the cross. Each day there is a painting by Sieger Köder, depicting a specific moment that Jesus experienced, along with the verse for it. As you read the Scriptures, and examine that artist’s creativity, allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you. Give yourself permission to walk in Jesus’ shoes through these significant steps towards death and resurrection.

Before the Resurrection
7 Days
Before there was the Resurrection of Christ, Christ walked the Earth. Read about the final days of Jesus and what we can learn about His life during the week leading up to His Resurrection.

Journey With Jesus to the Cross
7 Days
This Easter season, journey through the Holy Land with Dr. Jim Denison in this seven-day devotional, excerpted from his book To Follow in His Footsteps. You will virtually walk where Jesus walked on his journey to the cross, experiencing the sights and places that are fundamental to our faith. Start this plan six days prior to Easter Sunday.

New Beginnings - Relating With Women of the Bible Part 3
7 Days
Part 3 of Relating with Women of the Bible focuses on New Testament women and shows how an encounter with Jesus transforms lives and brings about fresh starts. Let this devotional lead you to a place of healing, encouragement, affirmation of God’s love, restoration, and a new beginning.

Stories of Hope
7 Days
Stories of Hope through music is a multimedia venture, created by Eric and Anissa Haney, through which we encounter hope in Jesus through inspiring New Testament stories brought to life through musical arrangements for jazz orchestra. Hear the music and read the devotional and stories in scripture through this 7-day reading plan.