Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Luke 4:17
Christmas in 3 Acts
21 days
In this Advent Infinitum Series, we will be using the themes of Tragedy, Comedy and Fairytale. They will act as doorways into a deeper understanding of surrender, generosity, and mission. Each theme lasts 7 days. The first day will be an introduction. Days 2 to 6 will give you a reading, an experience, a practice, a question, and a prayer. Day 7 is Sabbath, consolidation, review, and recollection.
Freedom & Life
21 Days
This is the year of Jubilee—a time of rest and celebration! Now is your time to walk in forgiveness, healing, joy, power and blessing! Commit to this 21-day reading plan, written by a collaboration of seven authors who serve in church leadership, and learn how to experience God's divine favor and freedom in your life.
Encouragement and Teaching
21 Days
This Reading Plan goes through the first chapter of 1 Peter. The apostle Peter is writing to Christians who are facing hard times, and exhorts them to stand firm in the true grace of God. Peter gives valuable advice on how to do this in your daily life. Do read with us to profit from his teachings!
Christ as Man: A Study in Luke
24 Days
Luke’s Gospel is a beautiful and powerful telling of the life of Jesus. Luke focuses on Jesus as the Son of Man, the foretold Messiah who came to “seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10). This Gospel shows us the “Upside-Down Kingdom” - that God uses what the world deems foolish and weak to shame the wise and strong.
Names of Jesus | Advent Devotional
24 Days
Advent is a season of anticipation and remembrance. During Advent, we remember the coming of the promised messiah into the world—the first advent of Jesus. But we also look forward to the time when Jesus will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead—his second Advent. For this year, we have chosen to focus our devotion on Jesus's different names and titles. The scriptures give us these names and titles to show us distinct aspects of salvation and the kind of savior Jesus would be.
Emmanuel: God With Us, an Advent Devotional
25 Days
More than a name, Emmanuel is a declaration of heaven meeting Earth: God with us in despair, struggle, and brokenness. At Christmas, God came to redeem people in need of a Savior and light the darkness with His love. As we remember and celebrate His coming, HOPE International—a global nonprofit accelerating the end of poverty—explores how Jesus’ followers can bring His holy, healing presence into a broken world.
Advent 2020
25 Days
Join us on this Advent journey, where you will encounter scriptures, poems and stories of hope. A hope that was first signaled by a star that called wise men to a stable around 2,000 years ago. A hope heralded by angels to shepherds in a field. A hope that sings to our hearts and builds our courage.
Advent in Israel: The Places of Israel & the Story of Jesus
25 Days
As we enter the Christmas season, we are all eager to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the point in history where God descended into humanity to bring life to a broken world. Each day leading up to Christmas, we will provide an overview of the biblical significance of a location in Israel, along with a devotional prompt that will connect that location with the life of Jesus in Scripture.
O Holy Night: An Advent Devotional
25 Days
Experience the greatest story ever told, the birth of Jesus, through the lens of the timeless Christmas carol, "O Holy Night." This advent devotional is great for the whole family to read together!
Christmas Advent Bible Reading Plan: Jesus Is Born
27 Days
Whatever December looks like for you, wherever you are, whoever you are with or not with, our hope is that you will set aside time every day over the next four weeks to open God’s Word. We will have short devotionals each day to help you reflect on the day’s reading. We pray that you will see Jesus in a new light this Christmas.