Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Luke 7:48

Watch & Pray By Stuart, Jill, & Pete Briscoe
5 Days
More meaningful and life-giving prayer time... That’s the goal, isn’t it? If you’ve questioned how to get there in your own conversations with God, this plan’s for you! Watch and pray for five days with Stuart, Jill and Pete Briscoe as they aim to answer some of your most prominent prayer questions—empowering you to approach the throne of grace with confidence.

Repair & Restore: 5-Day Devo for Moms & Daughters
5 Days
Relationships between mothers and daughters can be fraught with hurt, tension, and miscommunication. These devotions offer conversation starters to speak life into your relationship with your mother or daughter. Discover powerful words that usher in healing for wounded hearts and rebuild, restore, and reconcile your connection.

Making a Difference in the Shadows, Not the Spotlight
5 Days
There are some names in the Bible that everyone knows: Adam and Eve, Noah, Moses, Mary, Peter, Paul. But the Bible is also full of stories with unnamed characters. People who made a difference not in the spotlight, but in the shadows. We often think they and we are insignificant if the spotlight is not on. But here's the good news: God chooses and uses shadow Christians.

God of Wonders: 5 Days of Awe in the Presence of God
5 Days
Scientific research has shown that to live in awe means to live in health—and to face stress, anxiety and fear with peace of heart and mind. The God of awe leaves invitations to wonder in your daily path. These miracles of life whisper hope and release healing. Encounter the God of awe during this 5-day reading plan. He is waiting for you in the wonder!

Praying the Priestly Prayer
5 Days
Have you ever considered what the biblical name of God means and how it could impact your life? In this 5-day devotional by Warren Marcus, you will discover the biblical root of God’s name, and how understanding His holiness can place you into a deeper relationship with Him. You will uncover peace, blessing, and friendship with God in new and exciting ways.

Ages by Influence Music: Trusting the One Who Was and Is, and Is to Come
5 Days
In their most recent album, Ages, Influence Music compassionately implores their listeners to remember the sovereignty of God and hold faith in His supreme power and character. This 5-day devotional will stir up a fervent belief that even in tumultuous times, God is unchanged and worthy of our trust. He is the same throughout the ages from beginning to end.

Forms of Love
5 Days
Love. Over time it’s a word that’s so intricately linked to its romanticized definition that we can miss not only the many forms of love that are around us, but more importantly, we can miss the enormity of the love God has for us. As you journey through this week’s readings, spend time reflecting on your own experiences of love.

Learning From Jesus, the Most Gracious Host
5 Days
If you’re a follower of Christ, you may have noticed that many of His miracles, parables, and, most important, teaching moments took place over a shared meal. Jesus reminded us that a powerful connection could be made when we break bread with others. In this five-day plan, let’s examine how Jesus set the example of generous hospitality for us—so that we, too, might open our hearts and our homes to others.

At the Table - The People Jesus Spent Time With
5 Days
Over the next 5 days, we are going to take time to discover who Jesus is from the people he grabbed lunch with. Jesus’ mission was fully focused on those who were far from His Father. Therefore, in order for us to live a life devoted to Jesus, we must always focus on those who are far off.

Christmas at the Table
5 Days
What does Christmas mean to you? We want you to experience the joy and reality of Christmas: Jesus coming as a man to dwell among us! Journey with us as we are filled with the simple hope and light that is Jesus, who we remember and celebrate during Christmas. Jesus encountered people at the Table. Join us as we look at those lives impacted by His simple hope and light.