Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Luke 8:45
Meditations On The Gospel Of Luke For The Family
21 Days
How can you celebrate your family—a sanctuary of love and life? Sign up for a 21-day Lectio Divina devotional and journey through the Gospel of Luke with your family or community. As you listen to God’s Word, and meditate on stories of hope and healing, allow the sacred Scriptures to transform your understanding of God’s unconditional love.
The Sauce: Seek First
21 Days
Over the next 21 days, we will seek God first. By dedicating the beginning of our year to a time of prayer and fasting, we will seek God’s will for our lives. In the next 21 days, prayer will become your sauce, and you will experience genuine transformation as you seek the Kingdom of God.
Start Sharp: 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
21 Days
Over the next 21 days, we will start the year sharp by seeking God first. By dedicating the beginning of our year to a time of prayer and fasting, we will intentionally sharpen our Spirits by prioritizing God and spending time in His presence. We believe that as we commit to starting the year spiritually sharp, you will experience genuine transformation in Christ.
21 Days of Prayer - Persevere
21 Days
This 21 Days of Prayer resource is designed to help you study different characters in the Bible who showed perseverance when faced with various obstacles. Perseverance is a necessity in our prayer lives. We may not always have the experiences, answers, or outcomes we desire, but if we allow God to meet us in difficult times, we can hear clearly from Him and grow through prayer.
121 Advent
24 Days
The birth of Christ, His advent, marks God's ultimate plan for our redemption. In Christ, we see the fullest picture of God's hope, peace, joy and love. God's Word is the truth by which we know and walk with Him daily. It is our hope that this guide will encourage and facilitate personal time spent in the Word and provide a resource for families with children to do that together.
Christ as Man: A Study in Luke
24 Days
Luke’s Gospel is a beautiful and powerful telling of the life of Jesus. Luke focuses on Jesus as the Son of Man, the foretold Messiah who came to “seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10). This Gospel shows us the “Upside-Down Kingdom” - that God uses what the world deems foolish and weak to shame the wise and strong.
Women of Welcome: Christ-Like Welcome
24 Days
The welcome of Christ was astonishing to the culture around him. He gave voice to the speechless, frustrated the powerful, and humbled the wise. As Christians, our welcome should be like his– wonderfully surprising, deeply challenging, and firmly rooted in love. This five-week study explores the complicated and beautiful welcome of Jesus toward his most beloved creation, human beings. Jump in with us, individually or with a small group, and let’s transform how we show welcome.
Emmanuel: God With Us, an Advent Devotional
25 Days
More than a name, Emmanuel is a declaration of heaven meeting Earth: God with us in despair, struggle, and brokenness. At Christmas, God came to redeem people in need of a Savior and light the darkness with His love. As we remember and celebrate His coming, HOPE International—a global nonprofit accelerating the end of poverty—explores how Jesus’ followers can bring His holy, healing presence into a broken world.
Real Conversations (Luke 8-10)
25 Days
Alongside daily Scripture reading and devotional content, the Prestonwood Women’s team invites ministry leaders to have conversations rooted in the Gospel of Luke.
HEAL - God's Heart for Healing in Luke
27 Days
This 27-day study examines the healing accounts of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. How did He heal, who, when, why and what can you learn from Him? Jesus' healing ministry addresses body, soul and spirit. This study may change the way you view healing, and most importantly draw you closer to our Heavenly Father.