Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 13:33
Parables of Jesus
6 Days
This six day devotional is geared towards helping you to engage with scripture in quiet reflection. This series offers a guided experience that is broken up in four parts: prepare, read, reflect, breathe. These can be used in facilitating group/family engagement or for your personal time of devotion. We would like to invite you to engage with this written meditation and the accompanying audio.
Invitations to Abundance
6 Days
What do the feasts of the Bible reveal about our place in today’s tired world? In short, everything. When your heart needs encouragement, these celebrations remind you why, where, and how you can find security, unity, and hope. This 6-day plan illuminates how you can reciprocate God’s initiating kindness and how you can live knowing God’s table is spread before you.
How to Be Unsuccessful
6 Days
We all want to be successful… but what does that even mean? The world defines success as having money, power, and influence. But God defines it differently. So differently, in fact, that being successful in God’s eyes might look unsuccessful to the world. Join Pete Portal for this six-day plan to consider whether you’re willing to ignore the world’s definition of success and learn How to be Unsuccessful instead.
Managing Money & Wealth–What the Bible Says
6 Days
Many of us have been given much, including money and wealth beyond that which we need for our daily life. In this study, we look at how the Bible can help us manage the resources given to us in a way that honors God and helps build His Kingdom. Read and see how your impact investments stack up...
The Parables Of Christ
7 Days
In Mark 4:10-12, Jesus says that the purpose of the Parables is to teach truth to those that seek, and to hide it from those who will not. Jesus often hid principles one at a time in his stories, and other times he would string a variety of them together to make one BIG point. Join us in our 7-Day journey through the Parables and discover the profound wisdom of these simple stories.
Less Of More By Chris Nye
7 days
Pastor, professor, and writer Chris Nye says that people in the West worship growth: we believe that very few things get worse as they get bigger. The result is we become isolated and self-celebrating, chasing power and money. The Bible, however, calls us to live in community, where there are no celebrities. We don’t grab power; we lay it down.
Still With Us: Hope for New Beginnings
7 Days
Advent takes us up to Christmas, but what comes next? The decorations come down, the house is empty, and we're left looking for hope in a new year. These reflections remind us that our hope for change isn't in the clock striking midnight, but Christ's presence in our everyday lives.
Love With Skin on It: A Street Psalms Advent Devotional
7 Days
St. Francis once prayed all night, “God, who are you and who am I?” In many ways the Incarnation is God’s answer to that question and the focus of these reflections. The Incarnation is love with skin on it. It is God’s “yes” to a world that has long since forgotten its belovedness, its blessedness. As you celebrate the Incarnation during this advent season, may you know your own blessedness.
2 Corinthians on Work
7 Days
2 Corinthians has a lot to say about your vocation. While this 7-day plan will by no means be an exhaustive study of Paul’s second letter, I’m confident that the seven passages we study will fuel hope and obedience in your work!
Two Kingdoms - Part 3
7 Days
Two kingdoms - light and darkness. Did you know that you were made to shine in this world and reflect the kingdom of God wherever you go? Join TeenStreet as we discover what it means to be bold kingdom people. Share the plan with your small group and go deep in the Word together!