Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 16:25
Get into action for God
5 Days
Dedication to God sounds beautiful but can be quite difficult in practice. This reading plan will give you tools to grow in this dedication. You will learn how to listen to God and your own heart. Which talents and desires has God given you? And how can you use those in his Kingdom? You will also learn how to honor God through discipleship and perseverance. Reading plan by Anne-Minke Hakvoort.
The Family of God
5 Days
Throughout this plan, we will establish what our relationship is with our Heavenly Father, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and our other brothers and sisters in Christ. We will also discuss how to approach those not yet in the family - those who have yet to be exposed to their worth and value in Christ.
Life According to James
5 Days
Throughout church history, this book has been controversial, mainly due to the debate over faith vs. works. However, a deep dig into this book will yield much treasure for living the Christian life. This week, let’s explore it together.
Stumbling Toward Eternity
5 Days
In a chaotic world, we find our stability not in what we think of God but in what God thinks of us. And nothing tells us more about God’s mind and heart toward us than the cross. In this five-day devotional, we look at why the most transformative thing we can do is to keep Christ’s cross as the center of our conversations and spiritual lives.
Living Changed: Trusting God
5 Days
Even when we know God is faithful, it can be hard for us to live open-handed and fully trust Him with our lives. We want to understand why things happen, and we want to be in control. This 5-day plan will help you see more of who God is, what He’s done, and what He wants for you so that you can begin to trust Him more.
Mountains: Find Hope and Vision in God’s Presence
5 Days
Mountains are one of God’s favorite places to meet with his people. From the Mount of Creation in Genesis 1 to the Mount of the Great Commission in Matthew 28, mountains regularly serve as holy ground for connecting with God. During this plan, Bible teacher and author Kat Armstrong guides readers through five mountaintop Bible stories. Watch as God reveals His character and invites His children to enjoy His presence.
Growing Our Church Family Part 4
5 Days
When Jesus called his disciples to follow Him, they made a commitment to discipleship in the context of community. And from that point forward, the Church has been built on this same idea. But how can broken and sinful people who disagree about so many things work together for God’s Kingdom? Join us as we explore what it means to be the church: devoted, connected, and discipled brothers and sisters.
Living the Jesus Way
5 Days
Be more than a decision to believe, and discover how to become a disciple of Jesus.
Freedom in Surrender: Live God’s Great Purpose for You
5 Days
The character Clara Kip in The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip models what can happen when we stop striving and entrust our lives and dreams to God. This five-day plan presents lessons Mrs. Kip teaches her young protégé about pursuing her God-given purpose and letting go of what stands in the way. Dive into the novel’s undercurrent of scriptural truths and discover the sweet freedom in surrender.