Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 18:16
10 Years Sober
10 Days
Ten years ago, Lance Lang was a hopeless addict, willing to use anyone or anything, just so he could use. But God intervened and Lance began a miraculous journey to rehab, recovery, and restoration. In Ten Years Sober, Lance tells his story, while also imparting spiritual lessons he's learned along the way. Check out this ten day reading plan to find the steps you can take to reclaim your hope.
NIV Leadership Bible Reading Plan
13 Days
If you have 15 minutes, you have time to become a great leader. This reading plan is derived from the NIV Leadership Bible which has been endorsed by many of today’s top Christian business leaders and business writers. This 13-day reading plan will help you begin your journey to becoming the leader God intended you to be. Topics include courage, humility, vision, conflict management and more.
Why Go to Church?
13 Days
“I believe in God in my own way, I don’t need a church. Can’t I just worship God in the comfort of my own home or out in nature?” These thoughts are common in our modern world. But there is blessing being part of the body of Christ; join us and explore some reasons why Christians should definitely be joined to a community of believers.
The Gospel According To Matthew
14 days
This reading plan explores the first Gospel. This Gospel explains that Jesus was the king of Jews that brought the kingdom of heaven, even though Jesus didn't arrive in the way people expected.
Introduction to the Gospels & Matthew
18 Days
The first four books of the New Testament are called “gospels,” which means “good news.” They are fundamental to the revelation of God’s eternal plan to redeem and save lost humanity. They are often called biographies for they each tell the story of Jesus, his birth, ministry, death, and resurrection. The good news of the Gospels is that Jesus has come, that he is both Savior and King, and people can know this is true because God has raised him from the dead. This section specifically focuses on the longest of the four Gospels, the Gospel of Matthew.
20 Days Of Relational Health
20 Days
Our hearts crave deep, lasting connections--to know we are loved and belong. This Bible reading plan will help you grow in your relationships as you learn to love others well, speak and live in truth, and set the healthy boundaries that will allow your relationships to thrive.
Holy Spirit - Breath of God
20 Days
The Holy Spirit, is the breath of God. One with the Father and the Son. This plan is invitation to know the Holy Spirit deeper, rest in His presence and walk in His power. It's invitation to Breathe in the Holy Spirit.
21 Days
Favor is simply God's supernatural provision that enables us to live beyond our natural abilities. It is available to everyone, and it comes by grace. Learn how to pursue God's favor over the next 21 days, and ready yourself for an outpouring of favor that will accelerate your kingdom assignment!
The Book Of Numbers | A Journey Toward Human Freedom Under God's Authority
28 Days
Four hundred years of compromise, sin, suffering and darkness at the hands of evil authorities. Israel’s only way to be healed is to come out of slavery and into the freedom of the Lord’s authority. Picture yourself when reading of Israel. As you go through this 28-day study in the often overlooked book of Numbers, you will see how God rehabilitates and frees broken people.