Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 24:34
What Is the Day of the Lord?
7 Days
The phrase “The day of the Lord” appears many times in the Bible. For the writers of the Bible, the expectation of this day played an important part in the way they lived their lives. In this plan, we will discover how the meaning of this phrase can shape our life and view of God. We will learn the importance of living our life in expectation of this day.
Care for Creation as Evangelization and Worship
8 Days
As Christians, there are 2 big “E's”: Evangelism and the Environment. Sadly, many people are driven away from Christianity when people of faith deny the importance of caring for our Earth. This eight-day Bible study based on the film Cowboy & Preacher will help us to grow closer to God, our Creator, by reflecting on what it means to be stewards of His creation.
Holy Week
8 Days
Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday and ends with Easter Sunday. By following Christ's footsteps through daily scripture readings, take your own spiritual journey and prepare your heart for honoring him this Easter.
What Trees Can Teach Us About God and His Kingdom — Part Two
11 Days
When we try to find the central theme of the Bible, we might not immediately think of trees. But when we take a closer look, trees are mentioned quite often! Not as main characters or major topics, but they are frequently used as metaphors or symbolic representations of important truths. In this reading plan, we will read some Bible texts about trees, and see what we can learn from them.
Words of Jesus During Passion Week
12 Days
This plan is an invitation to walk with the disciples during the Passion Week—the days leading up to Jesus’ death—and experience some of His most dramatic teachings. Each day’s readings are arranged in parallel passages of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and are filtered chronologically.
The Gospel According To Matthew
14 days
This reading plan explores the first Gospel. This Gospel explains that Jesus was the king of Jews that brought the kingdom of heaven, even though Jesus didn't arrive in the way people expected.
Alpha & Omega
14 Days
The Revelation of Jesus Christ is a book about what will happen in the future; but perhaps more importantly, it’s a book about who controls the future. More than sixty years after Jesus rose from the dead, He appears once again to His disciple John to tell him about the things to come. John sees Jesus in a whole new way: He is now risen, glorified, and clearly in charge of the universe. Jesus is Lord of everyone, everywhere, forever. The question for you and me is whether we will trust Him with our lives, believing that He holds both the present and the future in His all-powerful and loving hands.
21 Days
Favor is simply God's supernatural provision that enables us to live beyond our natural abilities. It is available to everyone, and it comes by grace. Learn how to pursue God's favor over the next 21 days, and ready yourself for an outpouring of favor that will accelerate your kingdom assignment!
Practices Of Advent
25 Days
In a season that is often characterized by the hustle and bustle of holiday celebrations, shopping and decorations, it is our hope that the Practices of Advent reading plan will provide you a daily invitation to practice the Hope, Peace, Joy and Love reflected in the gift God has provided in Jesus Christ – meeting our own longing for, and need of, forgiveness, salvation and a new beginning.