Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 25:14
Money and Investing with the Kwak Brothers
7 Days
Did you know that Jesus talked about money 11 times in the 40 parables in the New Testament? That’s nearly 27.5% of the documented teachings of Jesus. That tells us just how important our mindset and attitude towards money are. We must be aware of how we form our thoughts and attitudes about money so we can have a Christ-centered perspective.
What Does the Bible Say About Money?
7 Days
Jesus spoke of money frequently. In fact, there are over 2,300 verses on money in the Bible (more than those on heaven and hell combined). God cares about our finances and how we use our money, but He also cares about our heart’s condition toward finances. In this study, you'll learn what the Bible teaches about saving, giving, retirement, tithing, investing and more.
Who I Say God Is
7 Days
We often like to think and sing about 'Who God Says I Am,' but what if we were to change the focus from us to God? Is our understanding of 'Who I Say God Is' accurate, or do we have a distorted view of the Divine? Let's consider different conceptions of God in the Bible, as we seek to realign our visions to the Truth.
She Works His Way: 7 Gospel Truths for Working Women
7 Days
Work-life balance is often offered as the working woman's solution. But should it be? The pursuit of balance often results in an exhausted woman simultaneously striving to be who God says she is + who the world says she should be. The gospel offers a better way - His way. These 7 gospel truths from Michelle and Somer's book are the reminders every working woman needs.
Worthy-Breaking Free From the Lies of Worthlessness
7 Days
If the lies of worthlessness have snuck into your soul, then roots of worthlessness can impact significant areas of your life. As you move into your position of worth with Christ, you will inspire others to be free and feel worthy as well. This battle is not only worth fighting for yourself and those you love, it's also worth winning!
Refuel, Reframe, Recalibrate: A 7-Day Devotional for Business Executives
7 Days
As business executives, life goes fast and the responsibilities we carry often weigh heavy on our shoulders. This plan offers an opportunity to invite God into our day. By taking a moment to stop, refuel, reframe, and recalibrate with God, we can approach our work empowered and envisioned by heaven!
Do You Want to Be Successful?
7 Days
The demands for success exist in various aspects of our lives: our family life, relationships, ministry, and career in the marketplace. However, have we understood the meaning of success in the eyes of God? What are the standards and benchmarks of eternal success? We will learn how to know God's heart for us through this devotional so that every step we take towards success will not be in vain.
7 Habits of Highly Effective Believers
7 Days
This is the 7-day Biblical blueprint of how to be effective as a believer. You will learn what the Bible says about taking ownership, growth, working with others, and elevating your thinking. Join thousands of others like you who are already doing it. Can’t wait to grow with you.
A Servant's Heart
7 Days
In our world where it is so easy to be served, the call of Jesus tells us to rather BE the servants. The key is to keep looking up, keep seeking to please our Lord. Join us as we talk about several scriptures on servanthood, and be blessed in running the race to obtain the prize, to glorify the Lord.
Wisdom for Work From the Exodus
7 Days
The impetus for the exodus was “harsh labor” and slavish jobs (see Exodus 1:14; 3:7-8). Not surprisingly, the Book of Exodus has a lot to teach us about our own work today. In this seven-day plan, we’ll travel with Moses from Egypt, through the Red Sea, and to the foot of Mount Sinai to extract wisdom for our work from the exodus!