Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 5:15
Shiny Influence
6 Days
How old do you have to be to influence others? You might be surprised to know just how much influence you have as a pre-teen. Spoiler alert: It’s a lot! This Bible Plan will help you think about and understand who’s watching you, who you’re following, and even how to respond to those in authority.
Becoming Good News
6 Days
People have always wondered if God is real. Today, more than ever, people are wondering if God is even good. Why? Because we’ve forgotten what it means to be Good News. But Jesus has been Good News for us, so we are called to be Good News for others. Discover what it looks like to become a Good News person.
Biblical Leadership: One Word For Your Success
6 Days
Living out your faith at work is challenging and difficult, especially in the secular workplace. As a leader, there is even more pressure to model company policy and leave our faith at home. In this study, the teachings of the Bible help us uncover a single 5-letter word to help you live your faith and honor God in a way that builds your leadership success like none other. Be NICER!
In God We Trust
6 Days
A very divided world needs a unified Church. But with all the chaos around us, how can we as Christians respond? In this 6-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig’s message series, In God We Trust, we’ll discover how we can bring people together and find unshakable hope.
Mom Diaries: Christmas!
6 Days
Christmas is a busy time for all, but moms see things differently, don't they? It's when their hearts are full of love and contentment at the sight of their family's joy. Here are six meditations from some Mom's hearts to yours. The way they love Jesus and Christmas. We hope the plan speaks to you and encourages you to find your joy this season.
The Ways of Jesus
6 Days
What are the ways of Jesus? Jesus has called you and then has asked you to follow him. How do followers begin to live in the ways of Jesus?
The One
6 Days
The Lord has designed all people for community and most people for companionship, so over the course of this study, we’re looking at what He desires for our relationships & romance. From singleness to searching and dating, God has provided principles for His people's pursuit of The One.
6 Days
WWJD—more than a bracelet or a bumper sticker, it’s a way of life. In this devotional we ask one fundamental question: "What Would Jesus Do?" As we uncover the life of Jesus, what lessons can he teach us about how he lived, what he spent his time doing, and who he shared his life with? We will be inspired to look at our own lives and ask: WWJD?
Death Does Not Own Me
6 Days
My husband of 53.5 years died in 2017 and before death, he had several losses. In the last few years, I have learned to not allow any loss to consume me. God showed me that ‘death does not own me,’ and 'loss does not have to own you!’ In this study learn that when loss comes you can conquer it, by reaching out beyond yourself and trusting God.
Biblical Success - Running the Race of Life - Cross Fitness Training
6 Days
This study will be a deep dive into The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7), one of Jesus' most direct and challenging teachings directed primarily to his disciples. We will ask the Holy Spirit to be our teacher as we read a chapter each day using only the Word as our devotion.