Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 6:10
Spiritual Self-Care in Times of Trauma, Stress, and Loss
6 Days
When you wake up and realize that happily ever after is not happening, you may be tempted to pull the covers over your head and go back to sleep. Sometimes life can be very painful, but there's good news. You are not alone! There is hope! Welby O'Brien helps us see that true spiritual self-care—in the way our loving Creator designed—is a privilege. And it is totally possible.
Doing Business Supernaturally
6 Days
I believed in a lie for years. This lie is all too common in Christian circles. I believed in a secular-sacred dichotomy. And it held me back. Join me to explore how God wants to supernaturally empower us to bring Heaven to Earth and to succeed in business and life. We have more opportunities to impact the world than most “full-time ministers," and this Bible plan will show you how!
The Power That Transforms The World
6 Days
Do you ever feel like you can't make a difference? That you have no control over your circumstances? Be inspired and encouraged by this reading plan to dream big and to rely on God to make a way. Written by Eric Celerier for A Miracle Every Day.
Becoming Good News
6 Days
People have always wondered if God is real. Today, more than ever, people are wondering if God is even good. Why? Because we’ve forgotten what it means to be Good News. But Jesus has been Good News for us, so we are called to be Good News for others. Discover what it looks like to become a Good News person.
Deep Discipleship
6 Days
What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? According to the Bible, all Christians are disciples; the two are synonymous. To be a disciple is simply to be a learner. Disciples are learning the way of Jesus, and that's what you'll learn in this plan.
Ready to Unlock the Kingdom of God?
6 Days
Jesus loved to talk about His home. He called it the Kingdom of God. Jesus wants to give you the keys to unlock this kingdom on earth. Are you ready? Writer Paul Marc Goule writes passionately about your special calling in this world.
I Raised My Hand
6 Days
You raised your hand. You said a prayer, opened your heart to the Gospel for the first time. Maybe you heard the truth for the first time, or maybe you have known it for years and finally decided that it was time to take a step of faith. You are not alone, but NOW WHAT? This is a six-day devotional that will walk you through what to do next.
Made Whole #3 - Undisciplined Lives
6 Days
Discipline is a struggle and not a comforting word to hear. Have you ever considered that habit, thought process, or addiction as a gateway to an undisciplined life? Begin to experience the freedom in Christ from unhelpful patterns by starting this six-day reading plan.
6 Days
The time has come to tear down the walls that have separated us and the religious spirit that has bound us. Racial Reconciliation and unity are possible in our day. The world is waiting for the Church to rise up and to be what God created her to be. This devotional will help you see the Church, and its divine purpose, through the eyes of Christ.
Doing Business With God: Building a Successful Kingdom Business
6 Days
God has created us with the gift of perfect vision, both physically and spiritually. But maybe you feel the vision you had for your business or ministry has died. What do we do with this? We look to the giver of dreams. This devotional takes you through a vision check, helps diagnose vision problems, and provides corrective lenses to see clearly what God has for you.