Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 6:10
Seven Marks of a Disciple
7 Days
Jesus calls those who would come after Him to a certain kind of life. As a follower of Jesus, you are a disciple—the Greek term maqhth/ß (mathētēs) refers to someone who joins a master as an apprentice to learn and become like the master. So, what should our lives look like if we truly follow Jesus as our Master and Teacher? Let’s consider seven marks of a disciple of Jesus.
Who Do You Pray Like? (The Jesus Prayer Life)
7 Days
Let us discover the secret of praying like Jesus. The Jesus prayer life doesn't follow a particular format or a ritual. In this Bible Plan, we are going to discover 6 basics when it comes to Jesus' prayer life.
Co-Laboring With Jesus
7 Days
The consequences of all that went wrong in the Garden of Eden are with us today—hunger and homelessness, desperation and dishonesty, selfishness and sickness, and so much more. Jesus invites you to co-labor with him to bring relief to a hurting world and to draw people into relationship with him. Through scriptures and stories from Christians who have accepted his invitation, you will be inspired to do the same.
Worthy-Breaking Free From the Lies of Worthlessness
7 Days
If the lies of worthlessness have snuck into your soul, then roots of worthlessness can impact significant areas of your life. As you move into your position of worth with Christ, you will inspire others to be free and feel worthy as well. This battle is not only worth fighting for yourself and those you love, it's also worth winning!
Grown Up's Guide to Prayer
7 Days
Many of us grew up praying, but our prayers didn’t grow up with us. As adults, we still pray the way we learned as children. We’re not the first grown-ups who never learned how to pray grown-up prayers; Jesus’s disciples didn’t either. But Jesus gave them specific answers about how to pray. If we follow Jesus’s guidance, our prayers will grow up . . . and so will our faith.
How to Be a Christian in Your Work and Society?
7 Days
How can you be a Christian at work in the sports arenas, theaters, restaurants, and halls of justice? In this reading plan we learn more about how God is there for us and how we can be there for Him.
Neighbor Groups: Empower Communities
7 Days
We all want to make a difference, but many of us aren’t sure where to start. And sometimes our best intentions can lead to unintended negative impacts. So how do we help our communities without robbing others of their dignity? In this 7-day Bible Plan about community empowerment, we’ll discover that communities change from the inside out, so the best way to start is to humbly listen.
Neighbor Groups: Seek Justice
7 Days
Justice is built into everything that exists. That’s why we have a sense of when it’s missing. Justice is not just a piece of God’s character—it’s a picture of it. When we seek justice, we pursue God’s best for everyone, so in this 7-day Plan, we’ll discover the origins of justice, the problem of injustice, our call to act, and God’s good plans to restore all things.
Neighbor Groups: Elevate Education
7 Days
No two people have the same set of choices or experiences, but education can level the ground for growth. That’s why we listen to educators, get to know our schools, tutor in our communities, and invest in environments where people can’t help but learn. Learn more about how education unlocks opportunities and why Jesus cares about it in this 7-day Bible Plan.