Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 6:5
Teach Us to Pray
7 Days
The Lord's Prayer, a cornerstone of Christian devotion, has the potential to become rote and mechanical when recited daily without deeper contemplation. Yet, within each line of this prayer, Jesus imparted profound wisdom and spiritual significance to His disciples. Join me on a 7-day devotional journey as we peel back the layers of familiarity and seek to make this prayer deeply personal and profoundly meaningful.
Sermon on the Mount
7 Days
In this devotional, we will look at Jesus' most famous sermon: The Sermon on the Mount! We will see what Jesus has to say about: - Living life as a Christian - Reaching others for Jesus - Calling to higher standards and convictions - Prayer & Fasting - Anxiety & trust in God - Faith - And more!
Dear God
7 Days
Sometimes we find the miraculous in the “new”. There is a new healing, a discovery, a new path, or a new beginning. Other times, we find the miraculous on a familiar path, or somewhere we have been before, but God opens our eyes to a new revelation.
A New Way of Life With N.T. Wright
7 Days
Matthew’s Gospel is structured around five discourses, the first being the Sermon on the Mount. More than ethical instruction, the Sermon on the Mount invites us into a new way of being human. This new way of life represents a reversal of typical societal values, encouraging humans to live at the overlap of heaven and earth, organizing their lives around trust in God’s authority and service for the vulnerable.
7 Ways to Fight Discouragement: By Jennifer Maggio
7 Days
Are you facing an obstacle at every turn? It may have been a challenging emotional season. Do you sometimes feel like just throwing in the towel? Take a 7-day journey through the truth of God's Word and His promises. Allow Him to restore joy, courage, and strength.
You Said, "Yes!"
7 Days
You said, “Yes!” to Jesus, and we’re excited for you! We’ve created this plan to help you start strong in your new relationship with Him. Join us for 1 week of readings to help you start moving in the same direction as Jesus.
7 Days
When you speak to God, He listens. You can open your mouth and worship Him, thank Him for all He's done, come to Him with your needs, and ask Him to act in your life. Join Andrew and Wendy Palau for 6 days of encouragement and reflection. God delights to hear your prayers.
Discovering God's Will
7 Days
In this devotional for men, we will look at how to find God's will, undo some of the myths and misconceptions about discernment, and learn how to lean into Him and His plan for us—written by Dean Brenton of Impactus.
Making Eye Contact With God - Discovering God's Personality
7 Days
Susan Binkley is the founder of Blue Monarch, a long-term residential recovery program for women and their children. As a child, she avoided eye contact with God so he wouldn’t send her to Africa as a missionary. However, he found her anyway and her incredible journey of Blue Monarch began, strengthening her faith, and teaching her aspects and nuances of God’s personality she never knew.