Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Numbers 12:7
Exceptional Bible Characters
14 Days
There are so many characters in Scripture, many who stand out in our minds as 'superheroes' for one reason or the other. Yet despite their amazing achievements, often it is their weaknesses, their struggles, which resonate with us and set an example for us to learn from. These exceptional characters provide 'superhero' moments, as well as more 'human' moments, which, can strengthen our faith and trust in God.
Moses – The Making of a Leader
22 Days
We all have excuses as to why we cannot move when God tells us to. “I’m not qualified” or “I’m still getting training in that area”. We think that our limitations are God’s limitations and we stop moving. In Plan 4 of Learning from the Old Testament Greats, we see Moses’ journey from fearful to faithful. We learn from his life how one “grows as they go”.