Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Numbers 14:6
Biblical Leadership, the Example of Joshua
21 Days
Joshua was the leader of the people of Israel at a crucial time in their history. After a 40-year journey, the time had come to take possession of their own land, and Joshua led the way. This reading plan is about Joshua's life and leadership and describes valuable lessons for leadership today.
Moses – The Making of a Leader
22 Days
We all have excuses as to why we cannot move when God tells us to. “I’m not qualified” or “I’m still getting training in that area”. We think that our limitations are God’s limitations and we stop moving. In Plan 4 of Learning from the Old Testament Greats, we see Moses’ journey from fearful to faithful. We learn from his life how one “grows as they go”.
The Christian Jewish Roots
23 Days
Jewish tradition speaks of 2000 years before Torah, 2000 years of Torah, and 2000 years of the Gentiles. Then the Messiah is to come and usher in a “sabbatical” seventh millennium. Today there is a great revival happening as Paul foretold. Gentiles are repenting of centuries-long anti-Semitism and again recovering Jewish roots. This short study titled ‘The Christian’s Jewish Roots’ is meant to create a vibrant love for Jewish people that is to be expressed openly by the church as God sovereignly pours into the hearts of every true spirit-led believer a revelation of His love for every Jew according to Zech.8: 23.
Reading The Bible In Historical Sequence Part 2
28 Days
In the beginning was the Word … but what came next? This plan is for anyone who wants a better understanding of the Bible. It provides a chronological reading program that endeavors to place all biblical passages in their date order. Part Two of this twelve-part one-year reading plan is titled 'Forty Years in the Wilderness, 1491 BC–1452 BC'.
Year of the Bible: Part Three of Twelve
30 Days
This twelve-part plan can be read alone, with a group, or with your family! Each month, you will dive into a new part of the unified story that leads to Jesus discovering the heart of God for the whole world. Let's dive into Part two of twelve!
Year of the Bible: Part Four of Twelve
30 Days
This twelve-part plan can be read alone, with a group, or with your family! Each month, you will dive into a new part of the unified story that leads to Jesus discovering the heart of God for the whole world. Let's dive into Part two of twelve!
Breakthrough: Joshua
30 Days
“Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” From famous battles and miraculous river crossings to detailed distribution of land among the tribes, the book of Joshua follows the people of Israel as they arrive in the long-awaited land promised to their ancestors. Over four weeks, we’ll read the faithfulness of God to bring breakthrough in our world.
Daily Bible Reading — Sustained By God’s Word Of Forgiveness & Mercy
31 Days
Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage and key verse for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, a prayer and prayer concern to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme “Sustained by God’s Word of Forgiveness and Mercy.”