Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Philippians 2:5
Mentor Like Jesus: Exploring How He Made Disciples
13 Days
The church needs sold-out, all-in Jesus-followers. Disciples and disciple-makers. But where do you find them? How do you develop them? Look no further than how Jesus did it. The greatest leader and mentor of all time poured into 12 guys for a season. Those lives multiplied to build the church to over two billion people who declare their belief in Christ today.
Who's My Neighbor? A Biblical Call To Love Others
13 Days
Jesus believed the greatest commandment was not only to love God but to love others. In Luke 10 he invited the inquiring teacher of the law to love with action. This plan investigates the Biblical mandate to love others and how that love can be put into action today. It is written by students, staff, faculty, and administrators at Southern Nazarene University for our community but could benefit many.
God's Glory
13 Days
The Bible speaks much of God's glory, expressed by the words כָּבוֹד (in Hebrew) and δόξα (in Greek). This is God’s heavenly splendor and majesty that sometimes becomes visible on earth. This reading plan will show you how great God is and how you as a believer can share in His glory.
Philippians Book Study - TheStory
13 Days
Study the book of Philippians with theStory - a free online Bible reading guide that emphasizes the biblical narrative. See Genesis to Revelation as the story of how God has created, sustained, and redeemed the world. Every reflection observes not only the immediate context but also its place in the big story. Read, reflect, and respond to the Bible daily, one book at a time.
Biblical Secrets to a Happy Marriage
14 Days
Shaunti Feldhahn studied thousands of men and women to learn the most important things that matter to an abundant, happy marriage. It turns out, her research findings match what the Bible has said all along. This reading plan highlights those key Biblical secrets that we often miss — and which, once we apply them, usually make an immediate, wonderful difference. See more of her research, books, or speaking at
Getting to Know God's Son
14 Days
14-day devotional from R.C. Sproul on getting to know God's Son. Each devotional calls you to live in the presence of God, under the authority of God, to the glory of God.
The Daniel Plan 365-Day Devotional 14-Day Plan
14 Days
Taken from The Daniel Plan 365-Day Devotional, This plan features two weeks of devotions designed to help you develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle. The readings and Bible verses will help you along your journey toward whole health and wellness so that you can live the life that God has designed for you.
Unlimited Kingdom
14 Days
This Unlimited Kingdom reading plan will inspire you with what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ, and your part both in his kingdom and in the world. Jesus spoke more about the Kingdom of Heaven than anything else. This reading plan goes to the very heart of the teachings of our Lord, and answers some of the most important questions of life: What is the Kingdom of Heaven, and what does it mean for me to live within it?
What The World Needs Now
14 Days
What the world needs now is love, sweet love, the song goes. Absolutely—and yet the world needs more than love. In the West we're more anxious than ever, feeling the weight of too much choice and measuring our worth by our achievements. It's a good thing then that Jesus brings many, many blessings to a needy world.
OUTCRY: God’s Heart For Your Church
14 Days
Looking for the next big thing? Look no further than your church! God has placed you in the greatest movement in history even on the days it doesn't feel like it. The church is imperfect. But something beautiful happens when we commit to what’s in front of us and catch God’s heart for his Bride! The next big thing is here. It’s always been here. It’s the local church.