Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Philippians 2:8

Living a Life That Honors God
23 Days
In the apostle Peter's first letter to Christians, he discusses the right attitude toward other people, the position of husband and wife within marriage, and dealing with suffering. This reading plan covers chapters 2 and 3 of Peter’s letter.

121 Advent
24 Days
The birth of Christ, His advent, marks God's ultimate plan for our redemption. In Christ, we see the fullest picture of God's hope, peace, joy and love. God's Word is the truth by which we know and walk with Him daily. It is our hope that this guide will encourage and facilitate personal time spent in the Word and provide a resource for families with children to do that together.

Mary's Treasure
24 Days
In this devotional written from the perspective of Jesus' mother, Mary vulnerably and honestly details the intimate moments of her experience as a mom. In each compelling scene, Mary treasures a small token to remember it by. Little does she know the divine significance each item will play in the ultimate purpose of her son’s role on earth.

One Baby for the World: 24 Days of Advent From a Missions Perspective
24 Days
One Baby For The World takes you on an unforgettable Advent journey seen through the eyes of missions. Author Shari Tvrdik offers a unique perspective through Advent. She connects the powerful story of the nativity to her experiences with life among the suffering poor of Mongolia's ger district. Adapted from the book, One Baby For The World.

Austin Life Church: Read The Bible - Philippians
25 Days
Jesus makes it really clear for us in John 15, that we must abide in Him, for apart from Him we can do nothing. Simply put, if we are going to grow and thrive in our relationship with the Lord, we must be regularly connected to Him. One of the most foundational and essential ways to connect with and abide in Christ is by reading his Words. The Bible is God’s Word given to us to know Him and to know how to follow Him. The more we engage with the Bible and with God, the more we will grow and produce the good fruit in our lives He desires for us. Come on. Let’s read His Words of life together!

Spend Christmas Together
25 Days
It's so easy to get caught up in all the hall decking and merry making that we forget what Christmas is all about - a baby in a manger who changes everything! So before Christmas slips away and the new year dawns, we invite you to slow down and take some time to prepare your heart for the celebration “God with us.”

Wow, God! (An Advent Journey)
25 Days
Have you ever wondered if God really loves you and uses your life? Advent is the perfect time to see how God wants to capture our hearts by His love. Explore the season through the eyes of someone on a journey to find meaning beyond the traditional Christmas story we all know. This devotional brings a unique approach to December as we consider 25 ways God “wows” us with Jesus.

Practices Of Advent
25 Days
In a season that is often characterized by the hustle and bustle of holiday celebrations, shopping and decorations, it is our hope that the Practices of Advent reading plan will provide you a daily invitation to practice the Hope, Peace, Joy and Love reflected in the gift God has provided in Jesus Christ – meeting our own longing for, and need of, forgiveness, salvation and a new beginning.