Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Proverbs 3:14
The Gift Of You: How Living Generously Reflects The Heart Of God
7 Days
If you’re like most people, when the subject of generosity comes up, your mind goes straight to your time, your talents and your treasure. But God has a very different view of generosity — one that looks at the heart. In this seven-day devotional, see what the Bible has to say about this often misunderstood subject and how you can find deeper joy in knowing God through personal sacrifice.
Seeking Godly Wisdom Amidst the Unknown
7 Days
2020 has been a year of constant change and challenges for many of us. We hope this week of devotionals is a time for you to reflect upon the wisdom of God and seek it above all else.
God Speaks
7 Days
Jesus said, “Go to the lost, confused people right here in the neighbourhood and tell them that the Kingdom is here.” What is the “neighbourhood”? People that we can impact in our every day spaces and lives. Let’s read God Speaks and delve into the ways God speaks to us, and learn how we can apply this to our every day lives.
How Do You Find the Truth?
7 Days
How do you find the truth? What is it? Why is it important? How do you find it in the midst of a swath of lies? What will it do for you? The truth leads to freedom, life, and peace. These are just some of the blessings of finding the truth of God in Jesus Christ. Answers to these questions about the truth are contained in this Bible plan.
Becoming a Praying Father
8 Days
Being a father who prays isn’t the same thing as being a praying father. A father who prays takes actions. A praying father builds godly character. He’s in a constant and authentic exchange with a real and present God. This can be more easily said than done, but do it we must. Join us on a fatherhood journey as we learn how to be praying fathers who impact future generations.
Making Space
8 Days
In a busy world, we have to make space for the things that matter most. We have to learn to apply godly wisdom that will help you incorporate these activities into your busy life. In some cases, you will find that you are doing the wrong things. Or you might find that you are doing the right things for the wrong reason or in the wrong way, so they are not life-giving or fulfilling.
Proverbs – Introduction To Wisdom
9 Days
Proverbs is a book of wisdom tucked inside metaphors, symbols, and poetic imagery. In Proverbs, we enroll in the divine seminary of wisdom and revelation, seeking to learn the ways of God. This 9–day reading plan is inspired by The Passion Translation of the Bible. Proverbs: Wisdom from Above, includes an introduction to wisdom as revealed in Proverbs 1-9.
Thrive & Flourish
10 Days
Every day we have choices about how we will engage with life. We make choices about the way we see, think, feel and act towards ourselves, one another, and God. Over the coming days, we invite you to prayerfully reflect as you read, so that your choices will enable a greater transformation in your life and the lives of others.
[#life Series] Parenting Part 2
10 Days
Sometimes we can get lost in the everyday tasks of parenting. We need to remind ourselves that the only thing we should aim for is the heart of our kids. If we trust the Lord, and teach them to do the same, we will see the rewards He promises come through every time. Let’s place in their hearts the melody they would want to sing when we are gone.