Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Proverbs 6:11
Back Roads To Belonging By Kristen Strong
7 days
Many of us have a fear of not belonging, of being on the outside looking in. For those struggling to fit in, God asks us to abandon the boulevard of attention-demanding behaviors for the byways of remaining in Christ and relaxing into his role for our lives. The back-road way may take a little longer to get to our destination—but it’s well worth the trip!
Raising Sons to Fight Giants
7 days
Raising boys can be a huge challenge. Yet despite all the irresponsibility and energy, boys are in great need of guidance and wisdom from their fathers, and fathers in turn need that wisdom from the Word of God. This Bible Plan, based on Douglas Wilson's book Future Men offers some insights on how parents can raise sons who will love the Lord all their lives.
Walking With Jesus (Perseverance)
7 Days
Perseverance is the key so that our Christian faith does not waver amid difficult situations. Perseverance will also train the capacity of our faith and heart to be ready to receive God's miracles. Through this "Walking with Jesus" devotional series, we will learn to be believers who always persevere in any situation with the power of God's words.
Dwell | Proverbs
7 Days
Proverbs offers timeless wisdom for daily living, inviting us to walk in the way of righteousness and integrity. This collection of sayings provides practical advice on living a life pleasing to God and as a blessing to others. In this plan, the team at Dwell leads you through seven of the most impactful Proverbs, encouraging you to embrace the timeless wisdom of God and apply it to your everyday life.
The Best: Part 2
8 Days
The book of Proverbs provides wise instruction and encouragement for the people of God. Over the course of eight days, we will study the path of God’s revealed wisdom in our relationships and our responsibility to better understand how to skillfully navigate the storms of life.
Win the Day
8 Days
Instead of fixating on things that lie dimly at a distance, urges pastor and bestselling author Mark Batterson, concentrate on what lies clearly at hand. If yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery, win the day! When you win the day, tomorrow takes care of itself. Do that enough days in a row, and you can accomplish almost anything.
Spiritual Laws Of Progression
10 Days
God's desire for His Children is for them to prosper,grow and make progress and not just exist and survive. However we notice that while few progress most barely get through. Is our God partial to bless only few? As we browse through the Bible we see several instances of God accomplishing extraordinary achievements through ordinary people. As we we study the lives of these individuals we recognise specific principles at work, these principles are the Laws of Progression which when practised will cause individuals to excel and not just exist.
Money and the Bible | Personal Finances From the Perspective of God
10 Days
Often, the concept and application we have about finance are based on the circumstances and environment we live in, added to our beliefs, culture, and education about money. However, this view may be wrong; not even all certitude is truth. Our flesh perspective is different from God's. Knowing the way God sees finances often requires a change in the financial mindset.
Sinful Roots In The Heart
12 Days
Ever wonder what’s going on inside your head? Do you ever have vague feelings of guilt or wonder why you do the things you do? Use this 12-day reading plan to help identify Sinful Roots in your heart. Learn to acknowledge your sin, calling it what God calls it, so you can confess it to Him and then walk by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Reading The Proverbs With Timothy And Kathy Keller
14 Days
Proverbs is God’s book of wisdom, teaching us the essence and goal of a Christian life. In this 14-day devotional, Timothy Keller offers readers a fresh, inspiring lesson for each day based on different passages within the Book of Proverbs. With his trademark knowledge, Keller unlocks the wisdom within the poetry of Proverbs and guides us toward a new understanding of what it means to live a moral life. For devotionals on the entire Book of Proverbs, buy Timothy and Kathy Keller’s latest book, God’s Wisdom for Navigating Life .