Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Psalms 1:4
Choosing Friends
4 Days
Having friends is a fundamental element of ordinary life; choosing the right friends is an essential factor for an abundant life. In this four day study, you’ll learn how to discern between fools and friends, how to separate yourself from fools, and build intentional friendships that will move you toward the abundant life God promises.
Landscape of Hope: An Illustrated Journey Into the Psalms
4 Days
Through the medium of art and words, artist and Bible teacher Heather Holdsworth shares an illustrated journey into the Psalms. Landscape of Hope takes passages that have become familiar—perhaps too familiar—and reveals their soul-strengthening, heart-restoring power. Through artwork and commentary, readers find themselves deeply engaging with the Bible and the triune God.
Blessed: Video Devotions From Your Time Of Grace
5 Days
Everyone wants to feel blessed and happy, but sometimes it’s hard to feel that way. In this series of video devotions, learn to be happy as God’s child, lose the guilt, and build yourself up in God’s Word. That’s the way to be truly happy.
5 Days
The Lord spoke one word to me in the midst of one of my hardest trials – Exemplify. God wants us to be and look like his son. Endure the pain, bless our enemies, check our attitudes and look like Jesus everyday. We may literally be the only Jesus this generation ever sees. Join me on this 5-day journey toward exemplifying Christ in our every action. You are called to be a brand ambassador for Christ. I will walk you through embracing the power that comes from exemplifying Christ in your everyday life, in other words living your Tailored Life.
When Your Bad Meets His Good
5 Days
Let’s get real: pain is part of life. There’s no escaping heartbreak, disappointment, and anxiety. What matters is how you play the cards you are dealt. Adapted from the book, "When Your Bad Meets His Good" by Kimberly Jones-Pothier, this devotional shows you how to turn your pain into purpose.
Grow: Becoming More Like Jesus
5 Days
The Bible talks a lot about "growing" - learning more about Jesus, following him more closely, obeying him more naturally, and becoming more like him in our attitudes and actions. "Grow: Becoming More Like Jesus" includes verses about seeds, roots, plants, trees, and fruit, all great images for thinking about what it means to live for Jesus.
Real Hope: The Psalms
5 Days
The Psalms are passages that show us how to truly delight in the God we serve, love and worship, even in the midst of chaos and pain. In this plan we reflect on some of our favorite Psalms and are, once again, reminded of God's faithfulness to us.
See the Big Picture. Dig In. Live It Out: A 5-Day Reading Plan in Psalms 1-50
5 Days
The Holy Spirit uses God’s Word to grow believers in their faith and increase their passion for Jesus. Break down the first portion of the book of Psalms into the “Big Picture” of the passage, then “Digging Deeper” into that section, and then move into “Living Out” the lessons that are taught in the passage in this 5-day reading plan.
Fall in Love With God's Word: Practical Strategies for Busy Women
5 Days
Do you ever wish you could read your Bible more consistently? When you do read your Bible, does it feel dry, boring, or routine? You don’t have to settle for simply crossing another item off your to-do list. Adapted from the new book by Brittany Ann, Fall in Love with God’s Word, this 5-day reading plan will help you discover the joy of consistent time in God’s Word.
Can You Still Trust God?
5 Days
When things are going your way, trusting the Lord is easy. But when painful trials, unmet needs, or lost hope assail, do you still trust Him? Trusting God in uncertain times is sometimes difficult. Charles Stanley reveals in this reading plan what God will do for us to regain our trust if we first believe three essential truths about Him.