Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Psalms 23:5
Fear is a Bully
5 Days
From her personal life, author Jamie Glawson leads you out of common fearful situations to face off with fear and darkness. The world is full of both and we all face fear one time or another. Even through chaos we can choose a better way to deal with our fears and have peace. Be reassured that God's love, peace, and compassion will trump every fear you encounter.
Hope During A Global Pandemic
5 Days
These are unprecedented times for those of us who are alive on planet earth at this moment. Historically, we can find hope if we turn to the One who made it all and is Lord of all. What does the Bible say about why these things happen, what is God’s response to it, and what is my hope in life and death?
Finding Rest for My Soul
5 Days
In a day of unprecedented uncertainty, where can we find rest for our souls? Is this even an option? Or are we relegated to struggle on the performance treadmill where we are infused with anxiety and exhaustion?
Faith Over Fear
5 Days
News regarding COVID-19 and the reality we have to face might be the cause of our increasing fear these days. Therefore, for the next five days, your faith will be encouraged so you can overcome your fear.
Belovedness by Sarah Kroger
5 Days
God’s desire for us is to see ourselves and others the way the He sees us. “Beloved” isn’t a badge to earn, or a gift to withhold from others. It’s our identity, it’s our name, and it’s the strength we need for the journey. It’s time to own our belovedness. Join Sarah Kroger on a five-day journey of unpacking what it means to truly live as beloved children of God.
Fear Gone Wild
5 Days
With a clear-eyed acknowledgment of how misguided and misinformed she was about mental illness, Kayla Stoecklein shares her story in hopes that anyone walking through the wilderness of mental illness will be better equipped for the journey and will learn to put their hope in Jesus through it all.
Finding the Missing Peace
5 Days
A 5-day study from the Hillsong Young Adults program 'The Neighbourhood' looking at how we can find the missing peace within this season. Amidst a changing world, where we can experience stress and worry, we can put our hope in an unchanging God. This plan was written by two of our incredible Young Adult leaders, Sym & BJ.
Soul Rest for the Tired and Weary
5 Days
Do you feel at rest? Are you full of peace and joy? Or, are stress and nervousness, politics and circumstances drawing you away from the Prince of Peace? Hope, refreshment, and a safe refuge are available to you. Come and journey along Psalm 23 for five days and find a new, soulful rhythm of life.
Wisdom for Work
5 Days
Work can be both fulfilling and frustrating. It can be an instrument of God or a tool of the devil. Wherever work resides on the continuum of our satisfaction scale, it is a necessary component of Christ’s plan for our lives. The Lord knows in the wisdom of His grand design for humankind that we need work to keep us busy with what’s beneficial and to keep us from trouble.
Global Pan(dem)ic & a Sound Faith (Part 3): A 5-Day Security Check
5 Days
In the final installment of a three-part series, Dr. Ramesh Richard, president of RREACH (a Global Proclamation Ministry) and professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, discusses the final “check” adversity and disruption provide a Believer—a "Security Check." Ultimately, there is freedom in living our lives under the shadow and the empowerment of our Trinitarian Christian Faith.