Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Psalms 27:9
#LETSGO 14 Day Devotional By Planetshakers
14 Days
Planetshakers mission is to provide an atmosphere where people can encounter God. That’s exactly what this devotional series is about. As followers of Christ, #LETSGO out into the world and preach the gospel, share his word and provide people the opportunity to encounter God through praise and worship!
Hope for the Incarcerated
14 Days
You may be incarcerated, but you are not forgotten. Here is two weeks' worth of hope, including devotions and encouraging testimonies from former inmates in a reading plan developed by Hope is Alive Ministries, with the assistance of Beth Niestemski, LCSW, former Associate Director of Mental Health for New York City's Rikers Island.
What Is True Love?
19 Days
Everyone wants to know what love really is. What does the Bible say about love? Love is one of the central themes of Scripture and the most important virtue of the Christian life. This plan from Thistlebend Ministries explores the biblical meaning of love and how to better love God and love others.
Unquestionable Character: A 21-day Study in Stewardship.
21 Days
God calls us to live a life of good character. But what does that actually look like? Through this plan’s devotional content and brief Scripture readings, you’ll encounter men and women of Godly character, and you’ll discover the relationship between character and stewardship.
21 Days
Fasting is a spiritual discipline that makes our prayers focused, opens our hearts, and releases God’s presence to us. It is an ancient practice that finds its roots in Biblical history and has been a blessing to the global church for thousands of years. This is a good devotional for both new and seasoned Christians on Fasting, provided by The Vine Church Hong Kong.
21 Days of God's Goodness
21 Days
“God is good.” Everyone who’s been a Christian for a while has heard this statement a thousand times. We hear it. We say it. We sing it. But do we really believe it? For the next 21 days we are going to be exploring what the Bible has to tell us about the goodness of God.
Moses – The Making of a Leader
22 Days
We all have excuses as to why we cannot move when God tells us to. “I’m not qualified” or “I’m still getting training in that area”. We think that our limitations are God’s limitations and we stop moving. In Plan 4 of Learning from the Old Testament Greats, we see Moses’ journey from fearful to faithful. We learn from his life how one “grows as they go”.
Hearing God Through the Year
24 Days
Dallas Willard urged us to learn and practice prayer as a two-way dialogue with God. These excerpts from his best-selling book Hearing God, assembled by Jan Johnson, are an invitation to meet God, to allow his voice to shape your choices, and to encourage your heart. As you begin this four-week reading plan, thank God that he promises to meet you wherever you are in your faith journey.
Influence of God's Glory
24 Days
By the end of this study, we pray that you will know God’s voice better, that you will know when and how he speaks, and feel compelled to obey. As we study Scripture, we will discover that God’s plan cannot be thwarted regardless of who is in power. The point of the original monarchy found in 1 and 2 Samuel, illustrates that from the beginning.
The Better Reading Plan
28 Days
Do you feel overwhelmed, dissatisfied, and stuck in a rut? Wishing your day-to-day life could improve? God's Word is your guide to brighter days. During this 28-day reading plan, you will discover ways you can go from living just a good life to living the type of better life that God desires you to have.