Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Psalms 34:18
Job - A Story of Unlikely Joy
7 Days
Joy is the constant companion of the woman who trusts in the Lord. And while you can find it in friends, family, and circumstances, unfailing, persistent joy will only ever overflow from your relationship with Jesus. Just ask Job, the man from Uz who clung to God’s goodness while all his worldly joys were stripped away. But how is it possible to hold onto such joy in times of sorrow? In this study by Lisa Harper, discover the redemptive side to Job’s story of suffering. Learn to use pain to strengthen your faith, point others to the gospel, and remember God’s providence will never take you to a place where His grace will not sustain you.
Jesus Loves the Broken
7 Days
Jesus loves people—all people. But sometimes it seems that the people who need love the most are often the most rejected, even by the church. The truth is that Jesus loves the brokenhearted. Using Psalms 42 and 43 as the foundation, Skip Heitzig explores the reality of depression and brokenness in this 7-day devotional. Discover both reasons and remedies for spiritual depression through daily Scripture reading, relatable insights from Skip, and For Further Thought challenges.
True You By Michelle DeRusha
7 Days
Our culture leads us to believe that hustle and busyness are the only ways to find satisfaction. Yet beneath this frenzied pace, our souls are yearning for authentic connection and intimacy with others and with God. This week we will practice intentional stillness, listen to our souls speak and invite the healing words of Jesus into our everyday lives as we embark on a journey toward uncovering our true selves.
God’s Got This: Praying For Kids In Foster Care
7 Days
You may be a care provider who impacts kids in care, or a parent who understands that “if it’s not Ok for MY Kids - it’s not OK for any of God’s kids.” Whatever your motivation, God wants to use YOU for His Glory and their Good. Ignite Hope invites you to Stand in the Gap for the Modern Orphan - with this segment focused on children in Foster Care.
7 Habits To Develop Spiritual Growth
7 Days
We all have our little morning habits. We could also call them routines, the first things we do in the morning. Throughout these seven days, I’d like to propose a series about these first moments, these first actions, these first thoughts of our days. We will discover how we can create habits to develop our spiritual growth.
Hope For The Hopeless
7 Days
If you’re tired of going through motions of religion and feeling like an outsider at church, Ben Courson offers a new approach to faith. This is your introduction to an adventure of a lifetime. It's your call to seize your status as an outsider and wage a fierce rebellion against hopelessness by living out an optimistic approach to every day.
Encouragement For The Brokenhearted
7 days
As you take this journey with us over the next few days, we pray you’ll find encouragement for your broken heart, inspiration for your hopeless situation, and healing for your hurting soul.
Forgiving My Father, Forgiving Myself
7 Days
In her most vulnerable writing yet, Ruth Graham reveals how a visit to the Louisiana State Penitentiary inspired her to begin the process to release the unforgiveness hidden in her own heart—toward others, herself, and even God. Weaving personal experiences with the hope of Scripture, Ruth provides powerful narratives to understand the transforming nature of forgiveness upon both those who forgive and those who are forgiven.
Fighting for Love in a Porn Affected Marriage
7 Days
In a world that doesn’t even see pornography as a problem, trying to stand firm against porn in your marriage can be a confusing, challenging and lonely experience. Here are seven messages of hope to comfort you, encourage you, and embolden you to fight on.