Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Revelation 5:13
Jesus Is the Ultimate Prophet, Priest and King
11 Days
Jesus Christ has existed from eternity as God the Son. But He came to earth to make sinful people right with God again. His salvation work can be described in three key words: He is the ultimate Prophet, Priest and King — not just during His earthly ministry, but forever. This reading plan takes 11 days to discover what these three ‘offices’ of Jesus imply.
Music And Discipleship
12 Days
Life is not a controlled experiment. Life is a journey. It is my opinion that most discipleship models fail to embrace how the journey of everyday life can mature and grow us into mature followers of Christ. I suggest that we need a helpful metaphor or “parable” that can help us picture what discipleship looks like in all its colors, ups and downs, and ebbs and flows. Music can help!
The Book Of Revelation
13 days
This reading plan will introduce you to the background and primary message of the Book of Revelation. It also explores the structure, content, original meaning and modern application of the Book of Revelation.
Why Go to Church?
13 Days
“I believe in God in my own way, I don’t need a church. Can’t I just worship God in the comfort of my own home or out in nature?” These thoughts are common in our modern world. But there is blessing being part of the body of Christ; join us and explore some reasons why Christians should definitely be joined to a community of believers.
God's Glory
13 Days
The Bible speaks much of God's glory, expressed by the words כָּבוֹד (in Hebrew) and δόξα (in Greek). This is God’s heavenly splendor and majesty that sometimes becomes visible on earth. This reading plan will show you how great God is and how you as a believer can share in His glory.
Celebration through Stewardship: A 14 Day Journey
14 Days
The words celebration and stewardship are rarely connected. Perhaps that’s because we tend to think about stewardship as giving away rather than caring for—or even enjoying. Through this plan’s daily Bible passage and devotional content, you’ll begin to understand how intentional stewardship springs from—and even leads to—celebration.
Lion Devotional
14 Days
In Revelation, we see Jesus as the “Lion of the tribe of Judah” and the “Lamb who was slain.” So much of God’s kingdom embodies paradox; even Jesus Himself was sovereign AND He submitted to authority. He’s the beginning AND the end. He isn’t relegated to one or the other. Join us for this 14-day study as we learn about how God’s kingdom and character may surprise us.
Alpha & Omega
14 Days
The Revelation of Jesus Christ is a book about what will happen in the future; but perhaps more importantly, it’s a book about who controls the future. More than sixty years after Jesus rose from the dead, He appears once again to His disciple John to tell him about the things to come. John sees Jesus in a whole new way: He is now risen, glorified, and clearly in charge of the universe. Jesus is Lord of everyone, everywhere, forever. The question for you and me is whether we will trust Him with our lives, believing that He holds both the present and the future in His all-powerful and loving hands.
Each Breath I Take I Will Speak God's Praise
14 Days
We humans were created for God’s glory. Each breath we take, each word we say and each decision we make should honor Him! This reading plan discusses what it is like to live like that.
Who Is God?
15 Days
It happens to us all. Conflicting messages cloud our vision. Pain and suffering wear our faith thin. Whether you've been following Him for a few days or a few years, we understand how easy it is to lose sight of who God truly is. Join us on a 15-day journey into the character of God. Be reminded how glorious He is, and how much He cares for you.