Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Romans 4:21
Breakthrough: Joshua
30 Days
“Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” From famous battles and miraculous river crossings to detailed distribution of land among the tribes, the book of Joshua follows the people of Israel as they arrive in the long-awaited land promised to their ancestors. Over four weeks, we’ll read the faithfulness of God to bring breakthrough in our world.
Abba, Father - Romans
30 Days
When Paul wrote this magnificent letter, Rome was the cultural centre of the world, boasting advancements like sturdy roads and a common language. Roman citizens were able to travel and communicate like never before. To this audience, Paul delivered the most comprehensive expression of the gospel ever given in Scripture, including the relationship we have with our Heavenly Father. Join us as we read through the scriptures together.
God Said: A Study of Genesis
30 Days
“In the beginning…” With that simple phrase, God invites us into the story of redemption. He speaks light into being, and later brings light and life to a world stumbling under the darkness of sin. Join us as we journey from Eden to Egypt in the book of Genesis and come face to face with the God who has loved us since the very beginning.
Deeper Into Scripture: Romans
31 Days
Deeper into Scripture is a methodology of scripture reading that instructs, encourages and equips people to read God’s Word daily and deeply. To accomplish this we have created a unique four-fold method of bible reading that directs the individual to read a short passage of scripture four times. Each reading is done with a different question, instruction or objective to be considered. This repetitive reading and instruction takes us deeply into the Word of God and draws us closer to Him.
Manifesting the Word of God
31 Days
If you don’t like what you are seeing, change what you are saying. The kingdom of God is a voice activated kingdom; your confession and your words have creative power in them, because the power of God is in His Word and not in His mouth. You have to speak that Word over your life to manifest them. In this devotional, you will learn how to effectively manifest God’s Word.
Understanding the Subject of the Covenant
31 Days
When individuals embrace the light and experience spiritual rebirth, a covenant is forged between us and God. The path of faith is not a solitary one; God is deeply invested in the journey, growth, and breakthrough of every believer because of the covenant. This devotional will explore reasons why understanding this covenant is pivotal for cultivating a stronger bond, akin to a father-child relationship, between you and God.
Thirty-One Days of Healing & Recovery
31 Days
The idea that God wants you well is both exciting and controversial. Opinions and theological positions are many and the debate has raged on for years. Thirty-One Days of Healing & Recovery is a compilation of short healing passages and verses that you can read every day for a month. The purpose is to allow the scriptures to form and/or strengthen your beliefs as to the ability and willingness of God to heal today.