Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Romans 5:4
Life in the Spirit: Groaning and Hoping
5 Days
Life is hard. No matter who you are, where you are. Life is hard. Even as followers of Christ, we experience all the hurt and pain of this broken world. In Romans 8:22-25, in the middle of one of the most theologically packed and beautiful chapters in the Bible, the apostle Paul teaches us that we can find hope even in the hard.
Faith: Faith Justifies
5 Days
Justification declares sinners righteous on the basis of faith in Jesus Christ alone. When God looks at us as believers in Christ, it’s just as if we’d never sinned, and we receive every benefit of justification. These include having peace with God, obtaining access to Him, learning to rejoice in hope and affliction, cultivating God-honoring character, and possessing His love.
Chasing Donkeys Series: Follow the Tracks
5 Days
Do you feel like God is stirring your heart to do something but are unsure of what to do about it? Is He nudging you out of your comfort zone into a new frontier? Are you trying to determine what to do next? Based on the principle in the book Chasing Donkeys, this plan will give you some easy "tracks" or starting points to follow today.
Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms
5 Days
Are you experiencing emotional or physical pain so deep that you wonder if the hurting will ever stop? In this devotional, neuropsychologist Dr. Michelle Bengtson shares compassionate biblical insights that give her hope in her own journey through unrelenting physical pain and depression. Above all, she reminds us that one day there will be victory on the other side of pain—and that you are not alone in your suffering.
Unbreakable: Surviving Life's Trials
5 Days
Life is hard. This 5-Day Devotional will help you to apply God’s Word to some of life’s toughest moments. Don’t give up, hang on! God will help you survive this battle. Let’s explore how…
UNPACK This...Fantasy Football and Faith
5 Days
This 5-day UNPACKIN' it reading plan unpacks Fantasy Football concepts that relate to life and Biblical truth.
5 Reasons to Memorize Scripture (And How to Start)
5 Days
Memorizing God’s Word cultivates faithfulness and growth in our lives. We don’t memorize Scripture just so we can recite it. Rather, we hide God’s Word in our hearts so that our lives are transformed. Memorizing Scripture deepens our love for God, helps us fight sin, renews our minds, helps us endure suffering, and seasons our speech with grace and truth. Give God your mind and watch Him change your life!
Hope For Those Struggling With Mental Health
5 Days
Where can you turn when you or a loved one are struggling with depression, anxiety, and mental health? God's Word speaks hope into the darkest despair. Stacee and Doug share Scriptures and encouragement God has used to carry them through the most difficult days of their mental illness journey. As you read through this plan, may you discover God's grace, love, hope and even joy for those who struggle!
Reflections for the Grieving Soul
5 Days
We are never ready to lose someone we love. When Mike Nappa lost his wife, Amy, to cancer, he desperately asked friends to send Bible verses, which became a lifeline and source of comfort in his hardest hours. A collection of these verses, along with some of Mike's personal reflections on loss, will bring comfort when you need it and words to pray when the pain feels overwhelming.
The Unfair Advantage
5 Days
In The Unfair Advantage, readers who are walking through a season that seems unfair will be reminded of God's ultimate gift of favor. While their situation may seem hopeless now, they can trust that God is forging something beautiful out of the brokenness, putting purpose to their pain, righting every wrong, and building a destiny better than their greatest dreams.