Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Romans 5:4
Death Does Not Own Me
6 Days
My husband of 53.5 years died in 2017 and before death, he had several losses. In the last few years, I have learned to not allow any loss to consume me. God showed me that ‘death does not own me,’ and 'loss does not have to own you!’ In this study learn that when loss comes you can conquer it, by reaching out beyond yourself and trusting God.
Character Practice
6 Days
Are you ready? Ready for anything? If you want to be ready for more freedom, more trust, and more independence, you’ve got to practice. Practice what, you ask? Practice living with godly character! This six-day Bible Plan with video clips from The Loop Show will help you practice characteristics like honesty, humility, grit—godly character—so you’ll be ready for anything.
Regret: How to Move Forward
6 Days
Regret is something we all face at one time or another because we all make mistakes. How do we work through that regret when the pain is deep? This plan will explore ways we can acknowledge our regrets and move on from them. We don't have to be stuck, and if submitted to God, we can come out better on the other side of it.
Intentionally Missional
6 Days
God has placed in us a yearning for more than what this world can offer. Only God can fully satisfy the longing of our souls. I hope that through this devotional, you can see what living intentionally missional is all about. To live this way, we must choose every day to love sacrificially, courageously and with endurance, ready to forgive and daily counting our blessings.
God in Three Persons: Embracing the Trinity
6 Days
The Trinity is a mystery but not one that is unsearchable. Throughout Scripture, we see God reveal Himself in distinct and unique ways through the three persons of the Godhead. This six-day plan will instruct the believer on who the Triune God is and who we are called to be in response. Jamey Webster is a former CEO in the oil industry and is currently studying at Dallas Theological Seminary.
5 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know
6 Days
When most Christians pick up a Bible, they rarely realize that they are holding a miracle between their hands. On a whim, they can open it and begin reading any chapter or verse from any book they want in their very own language. Today, it’s easier than ever to read what the Bible says. But that doesn’t mean it’s just as easy to understand.
Beyond Measure Devotional
6 Days
A 6-day devotional designed for those raising children with a medical, developmental, or behavioral diagnosis. Beyond Measure seeks to dive into tough topics and encourage parents who are raising EXTRAordinary children.The content in this devotional is taken from the Bible Study Beyond Measure from MOPS, International and Critically Loved.
Connecting the Dots: What God Is Doing When Life Doesn't Make Sense
6 Days
What if everything that has happened to you has prepared you for your greatest days? Psalm 23 says God leads us in paths of righteousness. The Hebrew word for path carries the idea of "paths made of circles." God is always at work in our lives, but most of the time, we don't see it or understand it until we look backwards and see the circular nature of his work. This devotional, based on the book Connecting the Dots, looks at how to identify God's work in every season of life and see how he has prepared us with a mission and message. God really is working all things together for the good of those who love him.