Luik 9:23
Tha Fower Gospels ïn Ulstèr-Scots 2021
An he saed tae thaim aa, “If oniebodie wants tae follae eftèr me, he maun ferget aboot hissel aathegither, tak up hïs cross iverie day, an stïck clase tae me.
Explore Luik 9:23
Luik 9:24
Fer whaiver wants tae save hïs life wull loass ït, but hïm that loasses hïs life on accoont o me wull save ït.
Explore Luik 9:24
Luik 9:62
But Jesus toul hïm, “Oniebodie that stairts tae ploo, an keeps lukkin behin hïm, ïs nae guid tae tha Kïngdom o God.”
Explore Luik 9:62
Luik 9:25
Fer whut guid ïs ït fer a bodie tae get tha hale warl, an yit desthroy hissel bodie an sowl?
Explore Luik 9:25
Luik 9:26
Fer ïf oniebodie ïs no wullin tae stan up fer me an ma wurds, then tha Sinn o Man wull no stan up fer hïm whan he cums ïn hïs glorie, an tha glorie o hïs Faither an tha halie angels tae.
Explore Luik 9:26
Luik 9:58
Saed Jesus tae hïm, “Foxes hae holes an burds hae nests, but tha Sinn o Man haes naewhar he can caa hame.”
Explore Luik 9:58
Luik 9:48
An he saed tae thaim, “Whaiver maks thïs chile walcum ïn ma name, walcums me, an oniebodie that walcums me, walcums hïm that sent me. Tha yin regairdit o nae accoont amang ye, that's tha yin that'll hae tha maist honour.”
Explore Luik 9:48