Yauhaa 9
Khu tug dig muag ib txwm nruab thab
1Thaus Yexu taug kev moog nwg pum ib tug yawm dig muag ib txwm nruab thab lug. 2Yexu cov thwjtim nug Yexu tas, “Lanpi,#9:2 Lanpi: txhais has tas: Xwbfwb luj leejtwg ua txhum, yog nwg ua lossws yog nwg nam nwg txwv ua nwg txhad yug lug dig muag nruab thab lug le hov?” 3Yexu teb tas, “Tsw yog nwg lossws nwg nam nwg txwv ua txhum, tassws nwg dig muag sub Vaajtswv tej num txhad tshwm rua ntawm nwg lub cev. 4Peb yuav tsum ua tug kws khaiv kuv lug teg num rua thaus tseed nruab nub. Qhov tsaus ntuj kws tsw muaj leejtwg ua tau num saamswm lug. 5Thaus kuv tseed nyob huv nplajteb, kuv yog qhov kaaj rua lub nplajteb.” 6Thaus has le ntawd lawm, Yexu txawm nti qub ncaug rua huv aav, muab du xyaw ua aav nplaum pleev tug dig muag ob lub qhov muag, 7hab has rua nwg tas, “Ca le moog ntxuav muag tom lub paag dej Xilau‑aa,” (Xilau‑aa txhais tas khaiv moog). Tug dig muag txawm moog ntxuav qhov muag taag rov lug mas pum kev lawm. 8Tej tuabneeg zej zog kws txeev pum tug yawm hov thov khawv txawm has tas, “Tug nuav yog tug kws txeev nyob tsawg thov khawv los tsw yog?” 9Muaj qee leej has tas, “Yog tug hov ntaag.” Muaj dua lwm tug has tas, “Tsw yog, nwg zoo thooj le tug hov xwb.” Nwg tug kheej txawm has tas, “Kuv yog tug hov ntaag.” 10Puab txawm has rua nwg tas, “Koj lub qhov muag pum kev tau le caag?” 11Nwg teb tas, “Ib tug yawm kws hu ua Yexu ua aav nplaum pleev kuv ob lub qhov muag hab has rua kuv tas, ‘Ca le moog ntxuav muag tom lub paaj deg Xilau‑aa.’ Kuv txawm moog ntxuav muag taag tes pum kev lawm.” 12Puab has rua nwg tas, “Tug hov nyob hovtwg?” Nwg has tas, “Kuv tsw paub.”
Cov Falixai nug qhov kws khu tug kws dig muag
13Puab txawm coj tug kws txeev dig muag hov moog cuag cov Falixai. 14Nub kws Yexu ua aav nplaum hab khu tug yawm hov pum kev yog nub Xanpatau.#9:14 Xanpatau: yog nub kws su caiv rua Vaajtswv 15Cov Falixai rov nug nwg tas nwg lub qhov muag pum kev tau le caag. Nwg has rua puab tas, “Tug yawm hov muab aav nplaum pleev kuv qhov muag tes kuv moog ntxuav taag txawm pum kev lawm.” 16Cov Falixai qee leej has tas, “Tug yawm hov tsw yog tuaj ntawm Vaajtswv tuaj vem yog nwg tsw caiv nub Xanpatau.” Tassws lwm tug has tas, “Tug tuabneeg muaj txem yuav ua tej txujci tseem ceeb nuav tau le caag?” Tes puab txawm tsw sws hum lawm. 17Puab txawm rov has rua tug dig muag hov tas, “Koj has le caag txug tug yawm hov, vem nwg yog tug kws khu koj qhov muag pum kev?” Nwg has tas, “Nwg yog ib tug xwbfwb cev Vaajtswv lug.”
18Cov Yutai tsw ntseeg tas nwg txeev dig muag hab pum kev lawm moog txug thaus puab hu tug kws pum kev lawd nam hab txwv tuaj, 19hab nug ob tug tas, “Tug nuav puas yog meb tug tub kws meb has tas dig muag thaus nruab thab lug? Ua le caag nwgnuav nwg tsua pum kev lawm?” 20Nwg nam nwg txwv teb tas, “Ib paub tas tug nuav yeej yog ib tug tub hab paub tas nwg yeej dig muag thaus yug lug. 21tassws ib tsw paub tas ua le caag nwgnuav nwg tsua pum kev lawm hab sov leejtwg khu nwg qhov muag pum kev. Mej nug nwg maj. Nwg tub hlub lawm, nwg txawj pav qha mej.” 22Nwg nam nwg txwv has le nuav vem ob tug ntshai cov Yutai, tsua qhov cov Yutai tub has hum lawm tas yog leejtwg leeg has tas Yexu yog tug Kheto, tug hov yuav raug muab txav tawm huv lub tsev sablaaj. 23Vem le nuav nwg nam nwg txwv txhad has tas, “Nwg tub hlub lawm, ca le nug nwg.”
24Puab txhad hu tug kws txeev dig muag lug dua ib zag hab has rua nwg tas, “Ca le ua rua Vaajtswv tau koob meej, peb paub tas tug yawm hov yog tuabneeg muaj txem.” 25Nwg teb tas, “Tug yawm hov muaj txem los tsw muaj, kuv tsw paub. Kuv tsuas paub tuab yaam xwb, yog qhov kws kuv txeev dig muag tassws nwgnuav kuv pum kev lawm.” 26Puab txawm has rua nwg tas, “Tug yawm hov ua le caag rua koj? Nwg ua le caag koj lub qhov muag txhad pum kev lawm?” 27Nwg teb puab tas, “Kuv tub has taag rua mej lawm los mej tsw noog. Ua le caag mej tseed xaav noog dua hab? Mej xaav ua tug hov le thwjtim hab lov?” 28Puab txawm thuaj nwg has tas, “Koj yog nwg le thwjtim, peb yog Mauxe le thwjtim. 29Peb paub tas Vaajtswv has lug rua Mauxe, tassws tug yawm hov peb tsw paub tas nwg tuaj hovtwg tuaj.”
30Nwg teb puab tas, “Aub, xaav tsw thoob le lauj! Mej tsw paub tas nwg tuaj hovtwg tuaj los nwg tseed khu kuv lub qhov muag pum kev. 31Peb paub tas Vaajtswv tsw noog tej tuabneeg muaj txem le lug, tsuas yog noog tug kws paub ntshai Vaajtswv hab ua lawv le Vaajtswv lub sab nyam xwb. 32Chiv keeb thau u lug tsw txeev nov tas muaj leejtwg khu tau tug kws dig muag thaus nruab thab lug pum kev. 33Yog tug yawm hov tsw lug ntawm Vaajtswv lug nwg yuav ua tsw tau daabtsw le.” 34Puab teb nwg tas, “Koj yeej muaj tuam txem txwj thaus yug lug, es koj tseed yuav qha peb hab lov?” Tes puab txawm muab nwg ntab tawm moog lawm.
Dig muag saab ntsuj plig
35Yexu nov tas cov Yutai muab tug hov ntab tawm lawm. Thaus Yexu nrhav tau nwg, Yexu has tas, “Koj tso sab rua Tuabneeg leej Tub lov?” 36Nwg teb tas, “Yawm hlub, leejtwg yog Tuabneeg leej Tub kws kuv yuav tso sab tau?” 37Yexu has rua nwg tas, “Koj tub pum nwg lawm, yog tug kws saamswm nrug koj has lug nuav.” 38Nwg txawm has tas, “Tug Tswv, kuv tso sab.” Tes nwg txawm pe hawm Yexu. 39Yexu has tas, “Kuv lug rua huv lub nplajteb yog lug txav txem sub cov kws tsw pum kev txhad le pum kev, hab cov kws pum kev yuav dig muag.” 40Cov Falixai kws nyob ntawd muaj qee leej nov Yexu has le ntawd puab txawm has rua nwg tas, “Peb dig muag hab lov?” 41Yexu has rua puab tas, “Yog mej dig muag mej yuav tsw muaj txem. Tassws vem nwgnuav mej has tas, ‘Peb pum kev,’ mej tseed muaj txem.”
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Yauhaa 9: HMOBSV
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