Lukas 5
Yexus Hu Thawj Paab Thwjtim
(Mathais 4.18-22; Malakaus 1.16-20)
1Muaj ib nub Yexus nyob nraag ntug Havtxwv Nkenexales, muaj tuabneeg coob coob sis txiv qev tuaj cuag nwg hab noog nwg qha Vaajtswv txujlug.#Mat 13.1-2; Mak 3.9-10; 4.1 2Yexus pum ob lub nkoj nreg ntawm ntug dlej, cov tuabneeg nrhav ntseg tub tawm huv puab tej nkoj moog ntxuav puab tej vaag lawm. 3Yexus nce moog rua huv ib lub nkoj, lub ntawd yog Ximoos lub. Yexus thov kuas Ximoos thawb lub nkoj moog kuas nrug dleb ntawm ntug dlej mivntsiv. Yexus nyob quastsawg huv lub nkoj qha cov tuabneeg kws tuaj ntawd.
4Thaus nwg qha taag lawm, nwg has rua Ximoos has tas, “Ca le nkuam koj lub nkoj moog rua tom qhov kws tub tub, muab mej lub vaag tso rua huv dlej txhaj yuav maag tau ntseg.”
5Ximoos teb has tas, “Tug Tswv, peb tub ntaus ib mos kaaj ntug tsi tau ib tug le, tabsis kuv yuav tso lub vaag moog lawv le koj has.#Yhs 21.3 6Puab txawm tso lub vaag moog, hab maag tau ntseg ntau kawg le, lub vaag yuav laug ndluag.#Yhs 21.6 7Puab txhaj cu teg kuas puab cov phoojywg kws caij lwm lub nkoj lug paab puab. Cov phoojywg txawm lug paab, hab puab muab tau ob nkog ntseg puv nkaus, ua rua ob lub nkoj yuav laug tog. 8Thaus Ximoos Petus pum le ntawd, nwg txhus caug ndlua ntawm Yexus xubndlag hab has tas, ‘Tug Tswv, thov koj txaav dleb ntawm kuv. Rua qhov kuv yog tuabneeg txhum!’ ”
9Ximoos hab cov tuabneeg kws nrug nwg nyob ntawd xaav tsi thoob has tas, ua le caag yuav tau ntseg ntau ua luaj. 10Ob tug kws nrug Ximoos ntaus ntseg yog Yakaunpaus hab Yauhaas kws yog Xenpedais ob tug tub, obtug xaav tsi thoob ib yaam nkaus. Yexus has rua Ximoos has tas, “Koj tsi xob ntshai; txij nuav moog koj yuav ua tug moog nrhav tuabneeg.”
11Puab suavdlawg nqug ob lub nkoj lug rua tim ntug, puab txawm tso txhua yaam tseg hab nrug Yexus moog.
Yexus Khu tug Mob Ruas
(Mathais 8.1-4; Malakaus 1.40-45)
12Muaj ib zag Yexus nyob huv ib lub nroog. Nyob huv lub nroog ntawd muaj ib tug mob ruas thoob plawg ib ce. Thaus nwg pum Yexus, nwg txhus caug ndlua rua huv aav thov Yexus has tas, “Tug Tswv, yog koj txaus sab khu kuv tej ruas, koj yeej khu tau!”#5.12 koj yeej khu tau; Cov kaab mob nuav, luas suav has tas ua rua tug tuabneeg kws mob ntawd tsi huv lawm.
13Yexus cev teg moog tuav nkaus tug ntawd hab has tas, “Kuv txaus sab paab koj, koj tej ruas ca le zoo hlo!” Taamsim ntawd nwg tej ruas txawm zoo taag huv tuabsi lawm. 14Yexus has tas, “Koj tsi xob moog qha zaaj nuav rua leejtwg le. Tabsis koj ca le ncaaj qhaa moog cuag tug povthawj, hab kuas nwg saib has tas koj tej ruas tub zoo lawm. Tom qaab ntawd koj ca le nqaa khoom moog fij rua Vaajtswv lawv le Mauxes txuj kevcai tau qha tseg, suavdlawg txhaj paub has tas koj tug mob tub zoo lawm.”#Lek 14.1-32
15Tabsis Yexus lub moo hajyam nrov nchaa moog thoob plawg txhua qhov, hab muaj tuabneeg coob coob tuaj noog Yexus qha hab thov Yexus khu puab tej mob. 16Tabsis Yexus pheej moog rua tej qhov chaw kws tsi muaj tuabneeg, hab thov Vaajtswv qhov ntawd.
Yexus Khu tug Txivneej Kws Tuag Teg Tuag Taw
(Mathais 9.1-8; Malakaus 2.1-12)
17Muaj ib nub thaus Yexus taabtom qha, muaj cov Falixais hab cov xwbfwb kws qha Vaajtswv txuj Kevcai qee leej tuaj nyob ntawd noog hab, Puab tuaj huv txhua lub nroog kws nyob huv lub xeev Yudas, hab huv lub nroog Yeluxalees tuaj. Yexus muaj tug Tswv lub fwjchim khu tau tej tuabneeg kws muaj mob. 18Muaj qee leej muab choj qhwv ib tug txivneej tuag teg tuag taw kwv tuaj, hab puab yuav kwv moog rua huv lub tsev hab muab tso rua ntawm Yexus hauv ntej. 19Tabsis vim muaj tuabneeg coob coob, puab tsi tau kev kwv moog rua huv, puab txawm kwv nwg nce moog rua sau ruv tsev, puab yaws cov vuag ib qho, hab muab nwg tso dlauv moog rua ntawm Yexus hauv ntej kws nyob huv plawv cov tuabneeg suavdlawg. 20Thaus Yexus pum has tas puab muaj kev ntseeg heev, ces Yexus txawm has rua tug txivneej tuag teg tuag taw ntawd has tas, “Kuv tug phoojywg, kuv tub zaam koj lub txim lawm.”
21Cov xwbfwb kws qha Vaajtswv txuj Kevcai hab cov Falixais sis thaam has tas, “Tug kws has lug saib tsi taug Vaajtswv ntawd, nwg yog leejtwg? Tsi muaj leejtwg zaam txim tau rua tuabneeg, tsuas yog Vaajtswv tuab leeg xwb, txhaj zaam tau!”
22Yexus tub paub tej kws puab sis thaam lawm, nwg txhaj has rua puab tas, “Ua le caag mej yuav xaav le ntawd? 23Lu lug kws has tas, ‘Koj tub dlim koj lub txim lawm’ lossis lu lug kws has tas, ‘Koj ca le sawv tseeg moog kev!’ 24Ob lu lug nuav, lu twg yuav yoojyim has dlua?” Kuv yuav ua le nuav qha rua mej paub has tas, “Tuabneeg leej Tub muaj fwjchim huv nplajteb nuav zaam txim tau rua tuabneeg.” Yexus txhaj has rua tug tuag teg tuag taw has tas, “Kuv has rua koj has tas, koj ca le sawv, hab nqaa koj dlaim choj pua chaw moog tsev!”
25Taamsim ntawd nwg txawm sawv tseeg taabmeeg suavdlawg, nwg nqaa hlo nwg dlaim choj pua chaw moog tsev hab ua Vaajtswv tsaug. 26Cov tuabneeg coob coob ntawd xaav tsi thoob, puab ntshai, puab qhuas Vaajtswv hab has tas, “Ua le caag nub nua peb yuav pum tej nuav txawv ua luaj le.”
Yexus Hu Levis
(Mathais 9.9-13; Malakaus 2.13-17)
27Tom qaab kws Yexus tawm qhov ntawd moog, nwg pum ib tug txivneej sau se hu ua Levis nyob ntawm lub rooj sau se. Yexus has rua Levis has tas, “Koj ca le nrug kuv moog.” 28Levis txawm sawv tseeg, tso txhua yaam tseg hab nrug Yexus moog.
29Levis ua ib rooj mov huv nwg tsev rua Yexus noj, muaj cov tuabneeg sau se coob leej hab lwm tug kws nrug Yexus noj mov ua ke. 30Cov Falixais hab cov xwbfwb kws qha Vaajtswv txuj Kevcai kws yog cov Falixais paab, ywg Yexus cov thwjtim has tas, “Ua le caag mej nrug cov tuabneeg sau se hab cov tuabneeg txhum noj haus ua ke?”#Luk 15.1-2
31Yexus teb puab has tas, “Cov tuabneeg kws tsi muaj mob, puab yeej tsi moog cuag kws tshuaj, tsuas yog cov tuabneeg muaj mob txhaj moog cuag kws tshuaj xwb. 32Kuv tsi yog lug hu cov tuabneeg ncaaj nceeg, tabsis kuv lug hu cov tuabneeg txhum, kuas puab tso puab tej kev txhum tseg.”
Nug Txug Kevcai Yoo Mov
(Mathais 9.14-17; Malakaus 2.18-22)
33Muaj qee leej has rua Yexus has tas, “Yauhaas cov thwjtim pheej ua kevcai yoo mov hab thov Vaajtswv, cov Falixais cov thwjtim los ua ib yaam nkaus le ntawd hab, tabsis koj cov thwjtim noj hab haus tsi ua le puab?”
34Yexus teb puab has tas, “Mej xaav has tas thaus tug nraug vauv tseem nrug nwg cov phoojywg noj tshoob ua ke, puab yuav yoo mov nua los? Puab yeej tsi yoo le! 35Tabsis thaus txug lub sijhawm kws luas coj tug nraug vauv moog lawm, ces puab yuav yoo mov.”
36Yexus has ib zaaj lug pevtxwv rua puab has tas, “Tsi muaj leejtwg yuav muab lub tsho tshab dlua ib dlaig coj moog ntxiv lub tsho qub. Yog nwg ua le ntawd, kuj yog nwg dlua kuas lub tsho tshab ndluag xwb, hab dlaim ntaub tshab ntawd yeej tsi phim lub tsho qub. 37Hab tsi muaj leejtwg yuav muab cov cawv txiv maab tshab ntim rua huv lub naab tawv qub. Yog nwg ua le ntawd, cov cawv txiv maab yuav tsaam kuas lub naab tawv qub tawg, cov cawv txiv maab yuav lug taag, hab lub naab tawv qub yuav ndluag taag. 38Cov cawv txiv maab tshab yuavtsum muab ntim rua huv lub naab tawv tshab. 39Yog leejtwg tau haus cov cawv txiv maab qub lawm, nwg yeej tsi xaav haus cov tshab. Rua qhov nwg has tas, cov qub qaab dlua.”
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Lukas 5: HNJ2000
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