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Ezekiel 26

Prophecy against Tyre
1 # 26:1 Ezekiel 26:1–28:19 is the eleventh panel (K) in the chiastic parallel structure in Ezekiel. This section is the second of three panels that contain oracles of judgment against the nations. This section contains the climactic oracle of judgment against the nation of Tyre. In Ezekiel’s prophecy, Tyre is the embodiment of blasphemous arrogance, the personification of satanic pride—the quintessential heart of idolatry. Panel K is the central panel, or locus, of the chiasmus as it demonstrates the climactic judgment of Yahweh against the most godless of nations at the time of Ezekiel. This judgment marks the turning point of the prophecy in that it highlights the pinnacle of God’s anger against gross idolatry and rebellion against Yahweh. It is a judgment that is climactic and irreversible. From this point on, principally after the judgments against Sidon and Egypt (panel J128:20–32:32), chs. 33–48 (panels I1 through A1) emphasize the glorious provisions of God’s promised renewal, spiritual transformation, and everlasting forgiveness of sin, encapsulated in the provisions of the coming new covenant and the certainty of the promise of the arrival of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, on earth. Chapters 26–28 contain prophecies of judgment against Tyre. The city of Tyre was a prosperous commercial center situated north of Israel on an island in the Mediterranean Sea just off the coast of Phoenicia (see Josh. 19:29). Tyre and her sister city, Sidon, had significant influence on the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Jezebel, wife of Ahab, came from Tyre (see 1 Kings 16:31). Tyre was a city of trade and commerce. Hiram, king of Tyre, was a devoted friend to King David (see 2 Sam. 5:11) and helped him and King Solomon in their building operations (see 1 Kings 5:1–12; 1 Chron. 14:1; 2 Chron. 2:3, 11). The god of Tyre was Melkart, an idol with hands outstretched to receive human blood. Located today in modern Lebanon, Tyre has become a historical example of what happens to a people that mock Israel’s God. Tyre’s worldwide trading empire represents the principle of the love of money, trafficking, and merchandising—the pride of the satanic world system. On the first day of the month # 26:1 The dating of this prophecy is incomplete because it does not specify what month of the year. Some translations leave a gap, assuming it is missing from the manuscripts. It is difficult to know what month Ezekiel received this prophecy; however, Jewish scholars conclude it was the fifth month since it was the month that Jerusalem fell. in the eleventh year of our captivity, Yahweh spoke to me and said: 2“Son of man, the people of Tyre have been cheering the demise of Jerusalem, saying, ‘Hooray! She is fallen! The Gateway to the Nations is shattered! An opportunity has swung open for us. Now we will grow rich off her destruction!’
3“Therefore, I, Lord Yahweh, say to Tyre,
‘Behold, I am against you,
As the sea raises up its waves
I will raise up many nations surging against you.
4They will destroy the walls of Tyre,
and demolish her high towers.
I will sweep away her rubble
and reduce her to nothing but a bare rock. # 26:4 A play on words since Tyre means “rock.”
5Tyre will be an island where fishermen dry out their nets.
Your enemies will take away everything you have.
I, Lord Yahweh, have decreed it.
6And as for her settlements # 26:6 Or “daughters.” on the mainland,
they will all be slaughtered,
and they will certainly learn that I am Yahweh.’ ”
Nebuchadnezzar Will Attack Tyre
7“Lord Yahweh says to Tyre:
“Look! I will bring Nebuchadnezzar,
king of Babylon, the world’s most powerful king,
sweeping down from the north to destroy you
with horses, chariots, cavalry, and an enormous army. # 26:7 The siege of Tyre lasted thirteen years, but the complete destruction of the city was accomplished later by Alexander the Great.
8His armies will massacre your settlements on the mainland.
They will lay siege to you and construct towers to attack you.
They will build siege-ramps against you
and lay siege to you with interlocking shields over their heads. # 26:8 Or literally “raise a shield on you.” This is likely a reference to the Roman military formation called the Tortoise. When Roman soldiers attacked a city wall, they would raise their shields above their heads to protect themselves from arrows, spears, and stones hurled at them. A “roof of shields” is a good description of this defensive military practice.
9His soldiers will pummel your walls with battering rams
and demolish your towers with iron bars.
10You’ll be covered with dust from their many horses and chariots.
Your walls will shake at the rumble of their chariot wheels.
His thundering horses will make your walls tremble
as they storm through your gates and breach your walls.
11With galloping horses they will trample through every street
and slaughter your people with the sword!
They will throw your mighty pillars # 26:11 Or “the pillars of your strength.” This is likely a reference to the famous pillars of the Temple of Heracles in Tyre. to the ground.
12Your enemies will take for themselves your valuable possessions
and loot your merchandise.
They will break down your walls and destroy your luxurious homes. # 26:12 Or “the houses of your desire.”
And they will hurl the rubble and timber into the sea.
13I will silence the sound of your songs,
and the music of your stringed instruments will not be heard again.
14I will reduce you to a bare rock
where fishermen dry their nets,
never to be rebuilt.
I, Lord Yahweh, have spoken, and I have decreed it.”
Lament over Tyre
15Lord Yahweh says to Tyre: “Surely, the islands will quake with fear at the sound of your fall. They will hear the groan of your wounded when your slaughter takes place. 16All the princes of the sea # 26:16 That is, the leaders of the islands and seacoast nations that traded with Tyre. will vacate their thrones, laying aside their regal robes and embroidered cloaks. They will clothe themselves with trembling as they sit on the ground, stunned at your fate. 17This is the funeral song they will sing over you:
“ ‘How you have vanished from the seas,
O famous city, once a sea power with many people!
You inspired great terror
in all those who lived in her.
18Now, on the day of your fall,
the islands and coasts are trembling with fear.
They are paralyzed with great fear,
because Tyre has vanished completely!’ ”
Tyre Will Go Down to the Abyss
19Lord Yahweh says: “When I make you a place of ruins like other deserted cities and I raise the deep to sweep over you and the ocean depths to cover you, 20then I will fling you down to the world of the dead to join the people of long ago. I will make you dwell deep in the underworld, # 26:20 Or literally “the land of the lowest places.” in the abyss. And like the ruins of long ago, you will sink with them into oblivion. I will make sure that no one will ever live in you again, nor will you take your place in the land of the living. # 26:20 As translated from the Septuagint. The Hebrew is “but I will set my beauty [glory] in the land of the living.” By implication, the judgment of God against Tyre will set his glory on display. Ezekiel prophesied the fall of Tyre 250 years before it happened. 21I will bring you to a dreadful, terrifying end, and you will be no more! People will look for you but never find you again. I, Lord Yahweh, have spoken.”

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