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Jeremiah 6

Jerusalem Surrounded
1“People of Benjamin, flee for your lives! # 6:1 Jerusalem lies within the original allotment of land assigned to the tribe of Benjamin. In Jer. 4:5–6, Jeremiah told the people to flee to Jerusalem for safety—now even Jerusalem was no longer a safe haven.
Leave Jerusalem!
Blow the shofar to warn the city of Tekoa! # 6:1 Tekoa, the city of the prophet Amos (see Amos 1:1), lies twelve miles (nineteen kilometers) south of Jerusalem.
Send up a smoke signal # 6:1 See Judg. 20:38–40. at Beth Hakkerem! # 6:1 Or “house of the vineyard.” Some identify Beth Hakkerem with Ein Kerem, while others place it south of Jerusalem, at Ramat Rachel, where ancient cairns were discovered on the ridge that may have served as beacons of old.
For disaster looms out of the north,
a great destruction threatens you.
2Daughter Zion, # 6:2 That is, Jerusalem. you are so lovely and delicate,
but I will destroy # 6:2 The Hebrew verb for “destroy” may also mean “be like” or “resemble.” you.
3As shepherds pasture many flocks all around a city,
so the camps of enemy soldiers encircle you,
like many flocks of grazing sheep.
4In the morning, the soldiers will say,
‘Come on, prepare for war!
We attack Jerusalem at noon!’
But later, as the sun grows hot, they will complain,
‘Woe to us, for the day is fading,
and the shadows of evening grow long.
5Arise, let us go up # 6:5 There is sarcasm here. The phrase “Arise, let us go up” is normally used by those making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Israel’s enemies now use it. They are coming not to worship but to destroy. and attack tonight,
then we will easily destroy her strongholds.’ ”
6Here is what Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies, says:
“Cut down the trees
and set up a siege ramp against Jerusalem. # 6:6 God gave the opposing armies his strategy for how to conquer Jerusalem.
This is a city ripe for punishment
because she is riddled with brutal oppression.
7As a spring pours out its fresh water,
so she pours out her fresh evil.
All I see are the sick and wounded;
the violence and destruction # 6:7 See Hab. 1:3. within her cry out.
8Learn your lesson, Jerusalem,
lest I turn my back on you in disgust
and make the whole land desolate,
a land where no one lives!”
Rebellious Israel
9Yahweh, the Commander of Angel Armies, says:
“As one gleans the grapes that remain in a vineyard,
those who remain of Israel will be gleaned.
As the hand of the grape gatherer goes through the vines one last time,
the Babylonians will glean what the Assyrians leave behind.” # 6:9 Or “so, pass your hand over its branches [possibly “baskets”].” Yahweh told Israel that the Babylonians would be coming twice. First, to glean the remnant that survives the Assyrian invasion (harvest) of the Northern Kingdom of Israel in 722 BC and the second time, to reap its harvest of Judah twenty years later, in the overwhelming campaign of Sennacherib (see 50:17).
10If I speak to warn the remnant of Israel, no one will listen.
Their ears are blocked, # 6:10 Or “their ears are uncircumcised.”
and they are incapable of hearing.
The word of Yahweh has become an object of scorn;
it’s no longer a pleasure for them.
11The fury of Yahweh has filled me,
and I am weary of trying to hold it in.
“Pour it out on every child playing in the street,
on the young men gathered there.
Women and men alike will be taken captive,
both the middle aged and those advanced in years.
12Strangers will seize their homes,
their fields, and their wives.
For I will stretch out my hand
against the inhabitants of the land.
I, Yahweh, have spoken.”
No Peace
13“From the smallest to the greatest,
they are greedy for corrupt profits; # 6:13 Or “they all shave off a profit [take their cut].”
prophet and priest alike, they all practice deceit.
14They # 6:14 “They” refers to the prophets and priests in v. 13. treat the wounds of my people
as though they were scratches.
They say, ‘Peace, everything is well,’
when there is no peace, and nothing is well.
15Although they have acted shamefully
and committed abhorrent acts,
they feel no shame;
they don’t even know how to blush.
They will fall among the fallen
and stumble in their time of reckoning,
I, Yahweh, have spoken.”
Find a Resting Place
16Yahweh said to his people:
“Stand at the crossroads.
Now, consider your ways
and ask for the ancient paths. # 6:16 “The ancient [everlasting] paths” are paths of wisdom. Embrace God’s ways of wisdom! See Prov. 8:1–35. We are to ask for, inquire after, and walk in the good paths of faith and holiness prescribed in God’s Word. When everyone is seeking the “newest” thing, God reminds us to ask for the ancient paths that lead us to God. Jesus, in a New Testament sense, is the personification of that ancient, everlasting path.
Which is God’s way? # 6:16 One can translate the Hebrew phrase derek hattob as “the way of the Good One” or “the good way.” The Hebrew word for “good” (tob) means “happy,” “joyful,” “cheery,” “pleasant,” “desirable,” “agreeable,” “sweet,” and “giving pleasure or happiness.” All these possible translations describe what choosing wisdom will impart to us. The Good Way is Jesus Christ (see John 14:6).
Walk on his path, and you’ll enjoy a resting place for yourselves. # 6:16 Following the way of the Good One will bring you to the resting place of his love. See Ps. 23:2; Matt. 11:28–29 (Jesus quoted part of Jer. 6:16).
But they said, ‘We will not. That’s not the path we want.’ ”
17Yahweh said,
“I raised up prophetic watchmen # 6:17 See Ezek. 3:17–21; 33:7; Hos. 9:8. The elders of the city posted watchmen on the city wall to warn when an enemy approached. If the city was in danger of attack, the watchmen would command the blowing of the shofar to warn the people. In this context, the “watchmen” are the numerous prophets God had sent to Israel over the years. to warn you:
‘Pay attention to the sound of the shofar!’
Still, they replied, ‘We will not.’
18Hear well then, O nations,
and observe as witnesses what’s in store for them. # 6:18 Or “take note, all you who witness it, of what is among people.” This verse is one of the most problematic in Jeremiah to translate.
19Hear, O earth! I am bringing a catastrophe to these people,
the fruit of their own evil schemes. # 6:19 Or “it is the consequence of their own plans.” See Prov. 1:31; Isa. 3:10; Jer. 17:10; 21:14; 32:19.
For they refused to listen to my words,
and threw all my instructions # 6:19 Or “Torah.” God also specifically gave his words to Jeremiah (see 1:9; 5:14). The people rejected the words God spoke through his prophet. and warnings to the wind.”
Obedience Greater than Sacrifice
20“What use to me is all this frankincense # 6:20 Frankincense comes from a resin from Boswellia trees native to northeastern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula (see Michael Zohary, Plants of the Bible [Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982], 197; Philip J. King, Jeremiah: An Archaeological Companion [Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1993], 112–13; The Committee on Translations of the United Bible Societies, Fauna and Flora of the Bible [New York: United Bible Societies, 1980], 121–22). See also Ex. 30:34; Isa. 60:6; Matt. 2:11.
that you’ve imported from Sheba # 6:20 Sheba, or Saba, is in southwest Arabia (modern Yemen) and was known for its perfume traders.
and all these exotic spices from distant lands? # 6:20 Or “sweet cane [calamus].” Both frankincense and calamus were rare and costly spices that were ingredients for the sacred anointing oil (see Ex. 30:23–25). Many believe with Jerome that “distant lands” refers to India (see Commentary on Jeremiah). See also Fauna and Flora of the Bible, 171–74.
I will not accept your burnt offerings; # 6:20 See 1 Sam. 15:22; Isa. 1:11; Hos. 6:6; 8:13; 9:4; Amos 4:4; 5:22.
the aroma of your sacrifices is no longer sweet to me.”
21So this is what Yahweh has said:
“I will put obstacles before these people,
and they will stumble and fall over them. # 6:21 Perhaps the obstacles were of their own making (their own apostasies); or he was just referring to the invaders who were threatening them from the north.
Fathers and children,
neighbors and friends,
all will die.”
Invasion from the North
22This is what Yahweh has said:
“Look! They’re coming! Warriors approach from the north. # 6:22 That is, from the land of Babylon. See Hab. 1:6–8.
From the remote parts of the earth,
a great nation is preparing for war.
23Armed with bows and spears, # 6:23 Or “scimitars.”
they are merciless and cruel.
The sound of their armies riding their horses
is like the roaring sea.
The cavalry is formed for battle
and ready to attack you, O Fair Zion!” # 6:23 Or “O, Daughter of Zion.” See v. 2.
24The people say: “We have heard the news, and our strength fails.
Like a woman in childbirth, we are in agony,
seized with pain.
25Don’t go out into the field;
stay off the streets!
For our enemies are armed,
and there is terror on every side.”
26My dear people, it’s time to mourn.
Put on sackcloth
and sprinkle ashes on yourselves.
Mourn as you would for an only child.
Wail bitterly,
for suddenly the destroyer # 6:26 Or “misery” (LXX). will be upon us.
27Yahweh said to me:
“I have made you as one who tests metals among my people.
In the same way a person tests metal,
you will perceive and test their ways.
28They are the most stubborn of rebels.
Each one spreads slander and practices dishonesty.
They are as hard as bronze and iron.
29Though the bellows blow fiercely,
yet the smelter smelts to no avail.
Fire melts and burns away the lead,
but my refining fire fails to separate
the dross of their wickedness.
30They are called ‘rejected silver,’
for Yahweh has rejected them.”

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