Yohanes 12
Maria moo minyak wangi maas Yesus yaa
1Ti ntamam naut tna Korat ro Paskah. Tna Yesus yamoʼt Betania, remo ro Lazarus. Lazarus tait raa ro tiwya yhai tna Yesus yno yrok yasen. 2Yesus yama tibyo raa siwyan bo sohmaam. Tna Lazarus, Yesus msya raa taro hre su tna Marta masyõ bo sohmaam reto. 3Tna Maria moo minyak wangi ro mabyoh maut. Kusia reto liter hariyah bo. Moo minyak wangi reto mtu mam Yesus yaa. Tna ngkaru mkah mana mawyan rau. Minyak reto sawer fiyau mam amah mato reto beta. 4Yudas Iskariot tait, kuber ro Yesus sait. (Ait oh mi ro kbe hren serek Yesus.) Ymat bo ro Maria mno tna hafrah yawe, 5“Nno bawya meto ee? Fyi re minyak reto sikowah sai a? Rau ro moof to, nasim kʼraa tna noo mabyoh rau 300 dinar. Tna mabyoh ro mase reto kbe raa msan kʼraa kinyah ro mse bo fee.” 6Yudas ymat raa ro kinyah fee. Ait tait raa ro ybo pitis wana beta. Ait yasu mase ja ysyõf pitis wana baro. Au oh mi yawe feto. 7Menohe Yesus yawe, “Bhah au ma! Mno feto re mnaut ti ro kbe raa sama hai aJõ. 8Raa kinyah to, ja mhau su msya anu yoyo. Menohe Jõ fo kbe thau tsya anu yoyo fee.”
Raa mawe mame Lazarus
9Raa ro Yahudi mawat mari he Yesus yhau mam Betania. Tna ana masen mamoʼt beto. Mamo mawe mmat Yesus yesait ye, tna mamo mawe mmat Lazarus ro Yesus yno yrok yasen to ye. 10Feto tibyo imam manes ro agama Yahudi saim bo mawe mame Lazarus ye. 11Mawe ait yaam tna bo reto misti re raa ro agama Yahudi mawat mawe kro Yesus tna smot Ait tna sikba bo ro ana mkyas.
Raa bibi Yesus
12Korat ro Paskah kene oh. Tibyo raa ro Yahudi mawat mbam remo aro sor mamaʼt Yerusalem oh. Yesus sohmaam bo ysya Lazarus tna rabu ti fo yawe yamoʼt Yerusalem. Raa mawat mari he Yesus yamaʼt Yerusalem. Yama fares mam iso 13tna ana mama mtar Ait. Raa miji ara palem mata tna mbo mamo sikoyõ mtar Yesus mawe, “Hosana! Ait yase toni! Tuhan ybis Ait yama! Ait yamo Raja tna ybo raa ro Israel!”#12:13 Mam mai ro Ibrani raa bibi raa to, ana mawe ‘hosana’. 14Yesus tru keledai ro maku teta tna sau tna yaut hre abyõ. Bo reto yno mnan Bokom ro Allah mawe:
15“Anu raa ro Yerusalem, ro mhau mam atu ro Sion; waa ma. Nmat, Raja ro ybo anu tait yama yo kʼanu. Ait yaut keledai ro tna sau yama.”
Zakharia 9:9
16Ti reto kuber ro Yesus wAit mnaut bokom far-far reto fee. Ana srau bombra weto fefares. Menohe kbe Yesus yrok yasen tna fo ana mrok mnaut bo reto tiwya raa mkom oh mam Bokom ro Allah. Tna ana mrok mnaut mawe bo ro raa tiwya mno weto, ana mno kʼYesus mnan si Bokom reto.
17Ti weto to, raa ro mhau mam Yerusalem to, ana mawat tiwya mmat Yesus yno Lazarus yrok yasen tna frok ybam isra mato reto. Tna ana weto mkyas bo reto renti. 18Tibyo raa mawat mhar mawe Yesus yno bo msai reto. Feto tibyo ati ro Ait yamaʼt Yerusalem reto to, raa mawat mamo mtar Ait. 19Raa ro Farisi mmat he raa msis-sas mamo mo kʼAit tibyo mawe kʼanya mawe, “Raa arin aso beta mamo kro Yesus, tna anu bno bo aro u fee!”
Yesus ykyas yawe kbe Ait raa mame yajat
20Mam korat ro Paskah to, raa mawat mamo mbaut Allah mam Yerusalem. Ana ro mama makyõ korat reto to, ana baro raa ro Yunani ye. 21Ana weto mamo mo kʼYesus kuber wAit sait yasom Filipus. (Filipus tait remo rait Betsaida mam provinsi ro Galilea.) Mamo mo kʼFilipus tna mawe, “Amu nwe ksoh nmat Yesus.” 22Tna Filipus yamo yawe bo reto kʼAndreas. Tna ana mbewok mamo mawe kʼYesus. 23Tna Yesus yawe, “Jõ fi 'Ait ro Yroh Yama Yfi Raa Sai'. Ayõ kene wo Jõ thai. Kbe bo mai kʼJõ tna raa mmat Jõ tase aJõ. 24Nnaut: Tkyas gandum makan kʼanu tawe, ‘Ja gandum makan krioh mbam kayoh rau tna mbtek mai tabam. Tna mbrom-brom mhai. Tna fo kmoh frok. Tna mo maut. Tis rau to make. Make makan sarer. Soh gandum makan reto mbrom-brom mam tabam fee, kbe mhau makan sau yum. Soh mhai fee kbe make fee.’ 25Awya ro ksoh yhau mam tabam refo toni to, kbe ykai riof ro hame fee. Menohe awya ro yako yawe yhau mam tabam refo kait fee, meen ait retait yhau hame wajin. 26Awya ro yawe yno bo woJõ to, yako hawe sai yama kro Jõ. Wore wo thau to, kbe sryan aJõ yhau mam beto ye. Kbe Taja ymat sryan aJõ retait yawe ait yno bo ro moof.” 27Tna Yesus yawe, “Mfo refo to tnaut yyi toni. Ayõ refo mama tna tkyas tawe bawya? Tayoh Taja tawe riof kʼJõ fe mfe a? Mfe. Bitsre bo ro samyoh refo mai kʼJõ. Jõ tsan tafos aJõ oh mi tama mam tabam refo to! 28Tawe, ‘Taja bo ro tno refo, nno re raa mmat tibyo bibi Nyõ nasom aNyõ.’” Tna Allah ybam sawro rAit ykyas yawe, “Tno oh. Tna kbe tno u.” 29Raa ro mros mam weto to mawat. Ana mari mai reto tna taro mawe, “Barmabyõ mji!” Menohe taro mawe, “Mfe, malaikat sau mkyas bo kʼAit!” 30Yesus yawe, “Mai reto anu nri ye a? Fyi re Allah ykyas kʼJõ feto? Yno afo re anu nri mai rAit ye. 31Ayõ rau snok oh. Allah kbe ytu srah raa ro tabam refo. Yno tibyo kabes yabi (Iblis) ro ja ybo raa ro tabam refo to, Allah yikyak ait yamo. 32Menohe kbe raa tubat Jõ abyõ tna tajat. Feto kbe tkuk raa beta mama mo kʼJõ.” 33Yesus yawe feto afo re raa mhar mawe kbe raa mame yajat mam ara warok. 34Raa mawat mros mari bo ro Yesus ykyas. Ana mari bo ro yawe reto tna mawe, “Watum ro Musa mkyas mawe, ‘Mesias kbe yhau hame wajin.’ Fyi re Nyõ nawe, 'Ait ro Yroh Yama Yfi Raa Sai' tait, kbe raa mame yajat? 'Ait ro Yroh Yama Yfi Raa Sai' tait bi awya metait?” 35Yesus yawe, “Kek reto mhau su msya anu waor sai. Arin ro maah fo, nmat sas iso ro anu nmo. Kbe arin ro mti mama. Kbe nmo fyi-fya? Awya ro yamo mam amur wase iso ro ait yamo. 36Smot Kek reto wore mhau msya anu fares to. Smot Kek reto afo re kbe nhau mam arin ro maah.” Yesus ykyas bo reto mkak tna sikba yuk reto sesa Ait.
Raa ro agama Yahudi smot Yesus fee
37Yesus yno bo msai mawat ro merif Allah yatak rAit. Yno re kbe raa ro Yahudi mmat. Menohe ana smot Ait fee. 38Bo reto mamo mnan si bo ro tiwya Allah ybis nabi Yesaya ykyas yawe:
“Tuhan; awya yari bokyas ramu tna yfot yse kʼait? Awya ymat yatak aNyõ?”
Yesaya 53:1
39Ana mari watum aNyõ, menohe ana moo mse kʼana fee. Feto to nabi Yesaya ykyas u yawe:
40“Allah yno ana masu mboh afo re mmat bo ma. Tna yno makit wana mbin afo re ana mnaut bo kaket ma. Mfi bo ana hah me mama mo kʼJõ maami tisoh ana.”
Yesaya 6:10
41Tiwya tinyi Yesaya yhar Yesus yase rAit. Feto oh mi ykyas Ait feto.
42Feto sai, menohe raa mawat smot Ait tna msya raa manes ro Yahudi taro smot Ait ye. Menohe ana waa raa ro Farisi kbe mikyak ana. Waa kbe mawe ana skabuk su msya raa ro Yahudi mam samu watum rana u fee. Tibyo mawe abyõ fee. 43Ana weto hasu bo raa bibi ana sai, menohe ana mrok mawe Allah bibi ana to bo ati fee.
Raa taro smot bokyas ro Yesus tna taro hawe
44Tna Yesus yawe, “Awya ro smot Jõ to, ait smot Jõ tesait sai meto fee. Ait smot bi Ait ro ybis Jõ ye oh meto. 45Awya ro ymat Jõ to, ymat bi Ait ro ybis Jõ ye. 46Jõ tamaʼt tabam refo tnan kek. Tama afo re raa beta ro smot Jõ to, kbe mamo mam arin ro mamur u fee. 47Raa taro mari bokyas aJõ menohe mbo mno fee. Jõ too safo mana tmit kʼana weto to fee. Tama tabam refo mkah bo tmit safo kʼraa to fee. Tama tno riof kʼraa. 48,49Raa taro to mikyak Jõ tna mse bokyas aJõ mam mhaf mato rana to fee. Ati ro tabam refo haberek u to, kbe awya yoo safo mana ymit kʼana? Raa fee: Meen bokyas ro Jõ tkyas oh to, mesait mmit safo mana kʼana weto. Tesait kar tkyas bo aro fee. Menohe tkyas bo ro Taja ykyas kʼJõ to sai.#12:48,49 Feto to bo ro ana weto mikyak reto to, bokyas ro Allah yesait yawe kʼana oh meto. Tna Jõ betoo bo bawya ro Ait yawe Jõ betoo kʼanu. Tibyo mam ati ro tabam refo haberek to bokyas aJõ mesait oh mi meen mmit safo mana kʼana weto. 50Bi Ait ysi bo, tna raa ro mari mno bo ro Ait ysi to meen mhau hame wajin. Feto to bo bawya ro tkyas to, bo reto mnan si msya bo ro Taja ysi kʼJõ yawe Jõ tkyas.”
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Yohanes 12: ayz

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