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”Hinobabut hebelagi'lek halok he, wa'lasimbik nong asugun,” iluk isikhe wene
1Andi sambul he, it afuni ekhe nen Yesus yagati logolik, mel isukwa: ”Afuni Galilea mene Allah anggo waretunem, at Pilatus nen it inamep inom, Allah anggo wareta mene amep inom, misikwe yugulogo inoate o,” iluk yagasi wagaukwa. 2A'nogo yagasi wagaukwama, at Yesus nen he, mel isikhe: ”Hit hinendawimo nen he, It ap o Galilea mene fena mondogat he, weak endebat hak hilingitu kwelek, it a'nogo inoate andi nek he, weak hokhorogo hilingiti lagaikhama, inobaburen inoate, iluk anggikhi lageba? 3Lego. An nen hit yagahisak. Hit weak hilingiti lagep mene andi herakfisaluk hinobabut hebelagi'lek halok he, it wa'lagaikha hagat, hit a'nogoat wa'lasimbik nong asugun o. 4Nen, hit hinendawimo nen he, o Yerusalem i mogo habuli'mo enu Siloam andoma o helep mene uanat wutukwa mene were'ma, sinukhogo pi waga logolik, inebe 18 nen alperelogo sebelinafikhe a'nogo re, it afuni fena mondogat o Yerusalem welagaikharek mene andi re, weak endebat hak hilingitu kwelek, it al perelogo sebelinafikhe andi nek he, weak hokhorogo hilingiti lagaukwama inobaburen sebelinafikhe anggegeba? 5Lego. An nen hit yagahisak. Hit weak hilingiti lagep mene andi, herakfisaluk hinobabut hebelagi'lek halok he, it wa'lagaikha hagat, hit a'nogoat wa'lasimbik nong asugun o,” iluk yagaisasikhe.
E ara enggen iti'lek mene oba lirogo yagaisasikhe wene
6A'nogo yagaisasikhesik he, wene ekhe oba lirogo yagaisikhi logolik, mel yagaisasikhe: ”Ap ekhe eabumo e ara awi yago welagaikhe. Were'ma re, Enggen ite a? Lega, iluk eilenggen kogoli lagaikhe mene re, ebe iti'le'ma ha lagaikhhe. 7Iti'le'ma lagaikhesik he, amingmingengge mene eabu kwalogo welagaikhe mene ekhe mel yagatikhe: E ara yi enggen ekhe ite a? Lega, iluk 3 tahun oba kogoli waga lagi mene re, ebe mondok iti'lek. Halok he, kweang alemarogo yago logogin enggere mugisogo lakfisan o, iluk yagatikhemo, 8at amingmingengge mene a'nogo nen he, mel yagatikhe: Noe! tahun yiba muti'lek hebisouwogo. A'nogo werek kwelek, an nen wusa yogolhik, mogot kwelafik, ikhi logogin o. 9A'nogo hilingitunem, tahun ekhe hobuk meneba ebe ite halok he, fano. Nen iti'lek halok he, haren, mugisogo lakfisano o, iluk yagane'no, iluk yagatikhe” iluk Yesus nen it afuni omanogo yagaisasikhe.
Yesus nen inenggi ekhe Allah faget weat logolik, he ekhe ou higitikhe wene
10A'nogo yagaisikhi logolik, inenggi sabit oba ekhe Allah faget weat logolik, at Yesus o ap Yahudi mene samban agarek oba kwisikhesik wene yagaisugu were'ma re, 11he ekhe munggwarengge obabut weak mene endawimo kwisikhesik logolik amboroak sumbuk isikhesik, higithogo menlasu mondok elo'lek werek kwelek, 18 tahun hilinglagaikhe mene andoma welagaikhe. 12Andoma were'ma, at Yesus nen, he a'nogo eilenggen yethasikhesik he, ane fakhasikhemo wagaikhemo re, mel yagatikhe: ”Nerei e! Hat hoba ou ari arat fano asigin. Hele hangge homago welagen a'nogo, arat fikhalame o,” iluk a'nogo yagatikhesik he, 13enggi sebelhu kwelek aremnogoat he, he a'nogo amboroak mot agaikhemo, menlagaikhesik he, Allah fogeratikhe. 14A'nogo hilingitikhemo re, ap ekhe samban agarek oba andoma inoe kain welagaikhe mene andi nen mel isikhe: ”Yesus andi ninenggi sabit oba Allah faget weat werek kwelek, he andi ou higite andi nenahalok,” iluk a'mage nen he, afuni hokhorogo omanogo yagaisikhi logolik he, mel yagaisasikhe: ”Yi hilingitik, ti hilingitik, ikhi logogin andi re, inenggi falfalik andi obaat hilingiti logogun o. Halok he, hinenggi andibaat ou hinoba mene higithinabuageluk waga logoino. Mene re, inenggi sabit oba Allah faget weat logolik wesugun lego,” iluk a'nogo yagaisasikhemo,#Kel. 20:9-10; Ul. 5:13-14 15at Yesus nen he, ap a'nogo mel yagatikhe: ”Hit hinagap oba nek fano hangge logolik, hinendawinggen pire mene yi ri! Hit hinebe mondogat hinenggi Allah faget weat logolik meneat he, hinanggo wam sapi a, keledai a, awi wuri'mo nen kwe hurogo hele fikhalogo wulak fuluk he, i noageluk woginarek laga lagep lek nogo? Woginarek laga lagebaro. 16Andi hangge, he Abraham en tagongge mene yi Iblis nen hele homagaisogo fisogo werek kwelek, 18 tahun hilinglaga mene yi, ninenggi Allah faget weat logolik hele fikhalogo fogoin lek nogo? Fikhalogo fogoin aro,” iluk wene a'nogo isikhemo, 17it fena Yesus inabit welagaukwa mene omanogo mondogat inenggali agaukwa. Meneat he, it afuni ekhe inebe hokhorogo omanogo mondogaren he, at Yesus hilingiti lagaikhe andi mondogat faget he, inendawimo inagaiyek hokhorogo hikhi lagaukwa.
Kibi-kibi enggen oba lirogo yagaisasikhe wene
(Mat. 13:31-32; Mrk. 4:30-32)
18A'nogo anggasukwama, at Yesus nen he, mel yagaisasikhe: ”Allah nen awe a'ma fisikherek andi, ebe nena mene hangge. An nen nena meneba oba lirogo yagahisak,” iluk yagaisasikhesik he, ekhe mel yagaisasikhe: 19”Allah nen awe a'ma fisikherek andi ebe re, kibi-kibi enggen hangge o. Ap ekhe nen kibi-kibi awi ekhe waganogo eabumo feik lakfesikhemo re, fulelhikhesik he, ero e hangge hokhoat hilinglagaikhemo, sue tarogo nikherek mene nen enggi talek oba awi wusi wagaikhe andi fageraro,” iluk yagaisasikhe.
Enggen roti fiterek mene oba lirogo yagaisasikhe wene
(Mat. 13:33)
20A'nogo yagaisasikhesik he, hobuk ekhe mel yagaisasikhe: ”Allah awe a'ma fisikherek andi ebe re, nena meneba lirogo yagahisak. 21Andi re, enggen sumburu roti fiterek mene fageraro. He ekhe nen gandum sagalek tepung wul hangge a'nogo mene 40 liter yalelogo waluk, enggen roti fitungge mene a'nogo andi elonggoma pelakfilik misikwe mulelogo hilingitikhemo re, ebe mondok fitikhe andi fageraro,” iluk yagaisasikhe.
”Kwe endep kwe kubagaigen hinomamerogo hilingiti logoni,” iluk yagaisasikhe wene
(Mat. 7:13-14,21-23)
22A'nogo yagaisaluk he, hobuk at Yesus o Yerusalem pikhi logolik, o sili hokhoma kwigik, endepma kwigik, wene yagaisilik pisikhe. 23A'nogo yagaisilik pugunem he, ap ekhe nen, mel yagatikhe: ”Noe. Allah nen telinabigin andi re, inebe hokhoara? Endebara,” iluk isikhemo, at Yesus nen it afuni andoma welagaukwa mene omanogo yagaisikhi logolik, mel yagaisasikhe: 24”It afuni hokhorogoat, kwe endep kwe kuogeluk walhogoin meneat he, elo'lek asigin andi nen he, hit kwe endep kwe andiba kubagaigen he, hinomamerogo hilingiti logoino o, iluk yagahisikhi lagi.#Mat. 7:13-14 25Nen, o andoma ap awi eisewerek mene andi menlasimbik, kwe te'merogo yagati logoumo re, hit enda'ma mendek logolik kwe papaget hikhi logolik he, Noe! Nit kwe hu'nisan, iluk yagasugun meneat he, aren he, hit hinebe an nonggoro. Koma nen wagep, iluk yagahisugunem, 26hiren ikhi logolik, ninawi sili lombok nikhi logolik, sumburu ninom isago ninggik, wene yaganisigik, ikhi lagagin mene a'nogo o, iluk yagasugun meneat he,#Mat. 7:22-23 27aren he, hit o koma nen wagep. Hinebe an nonggoro. Hit weak hilingiti lagep mene noba kwi wagup. Andemenat pikhit lani o, iluk yagahisagain werego.#Mzm. 6:9 28A'nogo yagahisamo, hit enda'ma logolik, ap Abraham inom, Ishak inom, Yakub inom, ap fena Allah ane yagaisikhi lagaukwa mene omanogo inom, Allah awe a'ma fanoma andoma were'ma, hineilenggen kwelagisogoin o. Nen, hit enek he, kwe yagarogo wulakhinobagaumo enda'ma andoma logolik, hinaik himbirogo li ago le ago ikho mondok logogun o.#Mat. 22:13, 25:30 #Mat. 8:11-12 29Nen, it afuni po'lima nen, ma'lima nen, elikwe yikwe nen, Allah awe a'ma fisikhere'ma andoma seni isago nuogeluk andogosi wesugun o. 30Mene re, yethani! It afuni o yogondak inenu werek mene andi, hobuk inenu legasigin o. Nen, it ekhe yogondak inenu lek mene andi hobuk inenu weregasigin o,” iluk yagaisasikhe.#Mat. 19:30, 20:16; Mrk. 10:31
At Yesus nen afuni o Yerusalem mene endawirinafikhe wene
(Mat. 23:37-39)
31Wene a'nogo oan yagaisugunem, it ap Farisi mene ekhe Yesus oba wagaukwasik he, mel isukwa: ”Ap Herodes nen hoasigeluk ili'logo andi re, o yoma logogun lek. Heise o wele'ma lan,” iluk isukwama, 32at Yesus nen he, mel yagaisasikhe: ”Ap obabut mene olo mene obabut hangge andi, wene yi weak-weak yagasi lani o. An he, o yogondak inom, hobit inom, munggwarengge obabut weak mene afuni inendawimo nen henegeisogo wulakfisigik, ou warek mene halok, higirinafik, ikhi logombik he, nenggi henaganek oba nek he, an hilingisigin iluk wagagi mene arat eil hondologo kobokhogo hilingisigin o. 33A'nogo hilingisigin meneat he, ap Allah ane yagaisagarek mene andi, o wele'ma inoasigin lego. Yerusalem andomaat inoasigin andi nen he, an yogondak inom, hobit inom, age inom, andoma laga logogin higit higi o.” 34”Eigo! Hit afuni o Yerusalem mene yi nendawilage! Hiren ap Allah ane yagaisagarek mene inebe inoatik, ap Allah nen inayonggo fuluk hinoba lakfisa wagarek mene heleben tamuk-tamakhogo inoatik, ikhi lagep andi nendawilage! Sue ayam eagwi ogolabi a'ma andogorogo fisikherek andi hak, an hundik-handigat hit o yoma welagep mene mondogat a'nogoat andogorogo hinobagaigeluk anggigirek meneat he, hiren, ninabit, ikhi lagep andi nendawilage! 35Andi nen he, Allah nen hit hinebe herakhinobagaumo, hinawi wurik andi folugat logogin o. Huli yogondagen he, hiren, an nebe hineilenggen niigi'lek logombigen, hobuk hiren he,
Nineisena Tuhan Allah nen lakhobagai wagama wagen yi, arenat fanothabuago, iluk yaganesugun andi huli hineilenggen neogoin o,” iluk yagaisasikhe.#Mzm. 118:26

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